Biserka Fatur


No Laughing Allowed
Boris is a satisfied fifty-year-old man with a wife, a daughter, a son, and… A lover. Younger one, of course. But he suddenly runs out of luck and thinks up a new plan to get back his harmonic life. However, with each new move he becomes more tangled up in a web of unexpected situations, his baits fall on unforeseen places, and his marital triangle gets more and more angles…
Territorio comanche
Guerra de Bosnia, principios de los noventa. Cuando estalla la contienda, son muchos los corresponsales de guerra que acuden al lugar del conflicto. Pero también estalla la lucha entre los medios de comunicación, que no dudan en explotar el dolor ajeno con tal de subir la audiencia. Laura, una joven periodista de éxito, se instala en Sarajevo durante el asedio al que se vio sometida la ciudad. Allí conoce a Mikel, un experto reportero de firmes principios, y a José, su cámara. El contacto con las víctimas, los encuentros con periodistas de otros países, las disputas con Mikel y José, que desaprueban el enfoque oportunista que ella da a la información, llevan a Laura a reflexionar seriamente sobre su trabajo. Mientras tanto, con colegas de todas las nacionalidades y con la intérprete croata Jadranka, Laura recorre cada día la zona más peligrosa de Sarajevo: lo que ellos llaman "territorio comanche".
The Voyage Across the Dark Half
Three people on their road to Gospic during Croatian war of independence, each traveling with own personal reasons.
The Tamburitza Players
It’s the winter of 1942. A freight train on the section of the Slavonian railway Vinkovci-Nova Gradiska is under a special Gestapo escort. Fleeing misfortune and evil brought by war, the last wagon is the place of encounter of politicians, war smugglers, deserters and tamburitza players.
High Voltage
After WW II many young people arrive to Zagreb, among them a young worker Sonja Kacar. She is supposed to participate in the construction of the first generator in the Rade Koncar factory. Because there aren't enough experts and materials in Yugoslavia, the factory counts on help from fellow communist countries, Czechoslovakia and Soviet Union. However, after the Inform Bureau's resolution this help is no longer available. Sonja experiences a great intimate disappointment because Stjepan, who she is in love with, supports Stalin.