Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud

Nacimiento : 1856-05-06, Freiberg, Austria

Muerte : 1939-09-23


Sigmund Freud, born Sigismund Schlomo Freud, was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst.


Sigmund Freud


Sigmund Freud: A Jew Without God
Himself - Psychiatrist (archive footage)
An account of the life and work of the influential Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), an iconic figure and a godless demigod who dared to enter the darkest depths of the human mind; through his correspondence and his own voice, and that of his family and friends.
The Psychology of Scary Movies
Archive footage
This short documentary explores eight theories on why humans are so fascinated with fright.
Un método peligroso
El joven psicoanalista Carl Jung comienza un tratamiento innovador en la histérica Sabina Spielrein, bajo la dirección de su maestro, Sigmund Freud. Dispuesto a penetrar más profundamente en los misterios de la mente humana, Jung descubre que algunas de sus ideas chocan con las teorías de Freud, al mismo tiempo que sucumbe a un romance emocionante y peligroso con la bella Sabina.
Organizado por Woody Harrelson, actor y activista dos veces nominado al Oscar, Ethos levanta la tapa de una caja de Pandora de problemas sistémicos que garantizan el fracaso en casi todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas; del medio ambiente a la democracia y nuestra propia libertad personal: desde terribles conflictos de intereses en la política hasta el poder corporativo no regulado, a un medio en manos de conglomerados masivos, y un complejo industrial militar que prácticamente posee nuestros representantes. Con entrevistas de algunos de los principales pensadores actuales y material fuente de los mejores realizadores de documentales de nuestro tiempo, Ethos examina y desenreda estas relaciones complejas, y ofrece una solución, ¡una manera simple pero poderosa de cambiar este sistema!
Sigmund Freud
Documentary - Sigmund Freud is one of the most important personalities of the 20th century and has not only left his imprint on psychology, his very own field of knowledge, but also on of science and cultural and intellectual history; indeed, he has shaped the twentieth century altogether. Otto Brusatti's film takes us to Vienna, New York, Rome, Paris and London and shows not only previously unknown material about Freud's life and environment but also takes a cautious look on Freud's doctrine.
Dolls with Issues
It's the Activist vs. the Analyst in a witty spoof of issue oriented talk shows like Larry King and The O'Reilly Factor. Host Jerome X, a black activist, interviews the late great Sigmund Freud who is reincarnated in his doll form, complete with a cigar and a willingness to blame it all on Mom. The voice of reason is plastic.
Sigmund Freud: Analysis of a Mind
Himself (archive footage)
Sigmund Freud's revolutionary ideas transformed our conception of the mind. Yet, fears and obsessions wracked the father of psychoanalysis. His theories continue to inspire debate, even as the discipline he invented drifts farther from his work. Through personal letters, diaries and interviews with biographers, psychiatrists and Freud's grandchildren, this documentary explores the life of the man who was once derided as the doctor of love.
archive footage
About the history of the contraceptive tool and reminds us of the importance of using a condom in combating sexually transmitted diseases.
Wienfilm 1896-1976
Self (archive footage)
This film is a kind of anthology about Vienna, from the invention of film to the present day. The aim is to break down the usual clichéd "image of Vienna" such as that found in the traditional "Vienna Film" by juxtaposing documentary footage, newly shot material and subjective sequences created by various artists. Individual, self-contained sections of the film gain new meaning within the context of historical material. Familiar sites appear estranged when edited together with historical scenes. Other scenes appear like a persiflage or satirical. The film does not incorporate any commentary whatsoever. It is a collage of diverse materials aimed at conveying a distanced image of Vienna to the viewer
Freud, pasión secreta
En 1885, a la edad de 29 años, ya Sigmund Freud (Montgomery Clift) se daba el lujo de confrontar a su maestro Meyniert... y pronto, de ilustre alumno, su asociación con el médico Josef Breuer (Larry Parks), lo convertiría en uno de los más notables investigadores sobre la histeria. Después, la neurosis, la interpretación de los sueños y el psicoanálisis, entre otros temas, tendrían en él a uno de los más fuertes exponentes de las nuevas teorías psicológicas. El guión lo supervisó Jean-Paul Sartre. (FILMAFFINITY)
Jung Speaks of Freud
archive footage
Carl Gustav Jung interviewed on the subject of 'Sigmund Freud': how Jung met him, how he was influenced by him and where he disagreed with him. Jung talks about word association, Freudian slips, the unconscious, the Oedipus complex, the ego, archetypes, falling in love and more.