Alice Powell


Your Fat Friend
Popular anonymous blogger Aubrey Gordon spent five years writing about the realities of living as a self-described “very fat person.” Now, she is about to face the public for the very first time.
Ecstatic lipsynching in downtown bars is a far cry from Donna’s Baptist upbringing in San Jose; now in her seventies, her estranged siblings haven’t even seen her in a dress.
Bank Job
Follows a community coming together to make their own currency, opening a bank in order to examine how money and debt is created in our economy and to ask important questions about how the system of money creation might be altered in their favour.
Seahorse: The Dad Who Gave Birth
Director Jeanie Finlay charts a transgender man's path to parenthood after he decides to carry his child himself. The pregnancy prompts an unexpected and profound reckoning with conventions of masculinity, self-definition and biology.
Freedom Fields
In post-revolution Libya, a group of women are brought together by one dream: to play football for their nation. But as the country descends into civil war and the utopian hopes of the “Arab Spring” begin to fade, can they realise their dream? And is there even a country left to play for? Freedom Fields is a film about hope and sacrifice in a land where dreams seem a luxury. Through the eyes of these accidental activists we see the reality of a country in transition, where the personal stories of love, struggle and aspirations collide with History.
Juego de Tronos: La última guardia
Durante un año, la cineasta británica Jeanie Finlay formó parte del set de rodaje de la serie de HBO "Juego de Tronos" (Game of Thrones), capturando la filmación de la octava y última temporada de la serie, la más compleja y ambiciosa de la cadena hasta la fecha. El documental muestra un acceso sin precedentes a los métodos de filmación del equipo, incluyendo entrevistas a miembros del reparto.
The Closer We Get
Scottish director Karen Guthrie’s intimate documentary is a vivid chronicle of her coming to terms with a twofold loss, one past—of her nuclear family shattered years before by her father’s departure to Africa—and one present, when her mother, the family anchor, suffers a stroke. Full of surprising revelations, Guthrie’s personal story becomes an affecting and resonant look at post-colonialism and the complicated bonds of family.
Buried Land
Buried Land tells the story of ordinary people attempting to realize a dream. Two actors cut a path through the real community and strange reality of Visoko, the small town at the heart of a remarkable claim: the discovery of ancient pyramids, not in Egypt, but central Bosnia. Emir is a Bosnian émigré, removed during the war and now struggling to rediscover his homeland.
Big Fish
"Big Fish" cuenta la historia entre un padre moribundo, Edward Bloom (Albert Finney), y su hijo Will (Ewan McGregor), quien trata de aprender más acerca de su progenitor, reuniendo las distintas historias que este le ha contado. Así, Will recrea su vida en una serie de leyendas y mitos inspirados por los pocos hechos que conoce. Pero a partir del deseo de su madre Sandy, por reunir al padre con su hijo, este comienza a comprender la debacle de su padre. En sus relatos hay viajes alrededor del mundo, y delirios que incluyen gigantes, tornados y brujas.
El patriota
Año 1776, Guerra de Independencia entre los colonos de Nueva Inglaterra y las tropas de Jorge III (1760-1820). En Carolina del Sur, el viudo Benjamin Martin (Mel Gibson), heroico soldado en Francia y en la India, renuncia a combatir para cuidar de sus siete hijos. Pero la pacífica vida de la familia Martin se ve alterada cuando Gabriel (Heath Ledger), el hijo mayor, se alista en el ejército; mientras tanto su padre se esfuerza por sacar adelante a la prole. Sin embargo, los británicos, al mando del cruel coronel Tavington (Jason Isaacs), llegarán hasta las puertas de su casa poniendo en peligro a toda la familia...