Martin Horn

Nacimiento : 1962-01-01, Lippstadt, Germany


Forest Within Me
Michael Weber
The student Jan gets along better with animals than with people. The shy young man is particularly fond of snakes, some of which he keeps at home. The two fall in love when he meets the radical animal rights activist and environmental activist Alice at his university. Jan's life then begins to change suddenly. He is overwhelmed by his intense feelings and social life with Alice. From then on his perception begins to become distorted. Jan feels like she has to take active action against various threats. Although Alice supports him, he loses himself in his madness and love for her.
Till the End of the Night
The undercover investigator Robert is supposed to win the trust of a criminal through a fictitious relationship with Leni. However, the feelings are not just a game. It is the spied criminal, of all people, who makes him confront his contradictory feelings…
The Mayoress
Herr Bongartz
Claudia Voss, honorary mayoress, is presented with a fait accompli when her Southern German district decides to build a refugee centre in her town. Some of the population are fuming and resistance grows, but there are equal amounts of willingness to help and empathy. Unexpectedly, the committed wife and mother attracts the attention of right-wing circles and faces attempts to intimidate her. The more Claudia Voss tries to mediate, the stronger the hostility becomes. A gripping contemporary thriller which paints a nuanced picture of the challenges brought by an increasingly polarized political reality. No exception, but instead a widespread, alarming phenomenon in today’s democratic societies.
Insecure: All the Best for the Future
Verteidiger Jochimsen
The lawyer Franziska Schlüter works for the Aescuria insurance and is responsible for processing applications for disbursement of occupational disability policies. The company policy provides as a guideline to prevent the approval as far as possible. When the widow of a victim, who committed suicide after being rejected, storms the office to loudly accuse these machinations, Franziska begins to doubt the correctness of her work and to rethink. She quits and works as a freelance lawyer to help injured parties legally to get their rights. First she deals with the case of a family in the neighborhood. The father has been in a wheelchair since an accident. However, the Strelaus have not yet seen any money from the insurance company. Initially not taken seriously by colleagues, the shy woman takes on the fight against the health insurance system and has to fight against resistance and above all with her own self-doubt.
Der König von Köln
A rather regular state official, who works at the building authority, becomes a puppet of a few super rich. They want to make quite a lot of profit from a planned large-scale building project. Quicker than anticipated, the father-to-be gets surprised by a couple of amenities and notices that life isn’t too bad in the sphere of these semi-legal affairs. Soon, however, he has a prosecuting attorney on his tails and has to decide himself for a side.
The Space Between The Lines
Emmi would like to cancel her subscription to "Like" magazine via e-mail. But due to a typo, her messages land in Leo Leike’s inbox. When Emmi repeatedly sends mails to the wrong address, Leo decides to inform her of her mistake. This marks the beginning of an extraordinary e-mail exchange, which can only be held between two strangers. Treading the fine line between complete strangeness and noncommittal intimacy, the two are soon sharing their innermost secrets and longings – until they need to face the unavoidable question: Will their feelings, sent and received virtually, survive the test of a real-life encounter? And what will happen if they do?
Carneval - Der Clown bringt den Tod
Prof. Schönfeld
A tricky out-of-area mission for Peter Lohmeyer alias Chief Inspector Jan Fabel in his fourth case: in the hustle and bustle of Cologne Carnival, of all things, the introverted hamburger has to chase a serial killer and stop a colleague from going it alone. Lisa Maria Potthoff plays the policewoman Maria, whose traumatic experience turns into a blind thirst for vengeance, Stipe Erceg can be seen in the role of the burned-out top chef and Murathan Muslu as a macho criminal. The lost souls are what make this bestseller film adaptation by the author Craig Russell, which is extremely exciting right up to the last second.
Wellness für Paare
Erster Therapeut
A wellness hotel in a small German castle specializes in well-off couples, offering a wide range of services, including one some partners feel trapped into : relational therapy. It's truth time, for some liberating, forcing others to face their secrets of dysfunctional relationship.
The Lost Brother
Music teacher
A boy feels neglected by his parents because they grieve for his older brother, who went missing in the aftermath of the second world war.
The Last Fine Day
The phone call from Sybille was usual. Her family didn't even know that this call just started their last fine day...
Saviors in the Night
Hermann Aschoff
Drama, based on the book "Retter in der Nacht", in which Marga Spiegel tells her memories: In Westfalia of 1943 Marga Spiegel, her husband and her daughter are about to be deported. Yet westfalian farmers help the jewish family, grant Marga and her daughter refuge under false names and hide her husband.
Mi gran boda italiana
Herr Schulz
Cuando Jan decide casarse con su novia Sara, no está al tanto de su oponente: su padre, que es italiano...
Los Buddenbrooks
Carl Smolt
Los Buddenbrooks es la adaptación cinematográfica de la novela de Thomas Mann que retrata con mucho amor y gran alcance cinematográfico el auge y la decadencia de una familia de mercaderes, inserta en la aristocracia en Lübeck, en su lucha y sacrificio para poder sobrevivir económicamente y su búsqueda de la felicidad y del amor imposible.
El milagro de Berna
Verano de 1954: La Unión Soviética empieza a liberar a sus prisioneros de guerra. Entre ellos está Richard, el padre de Matthias, un niño de once años apasionado por el fútbol, que vive con su madre y sus hermanos en una ciudad minera de Alemania del Este. Durante estos años, el niño ha sustituido a su padre por el futbolista Helmut Rahn, el cual a su vez lo ha tomado bajo su protección. El regreso de Richard, destrozado por tantos años de cautiverio, ensombrece la apacible vida de la familia. Por otra parte, tiene serias dificultades para adaptarse a las condiciones de vida de la postguerra. Además, está a punto de empezar en Berna (Suiza) la Copa del Mundo, pero mientras Matthias espera con entusiasmo el acontecimiento, para Richard, el fútbol no tiene ningún interés.