Sydney Moore

Nacimiento : 1906-05-30, Ohio, USA

Muerte : 1984-11-18


The Dude Goes West
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Daniel Bone is aiming for success. A Brooklyn gunsmith by trade, he figures the place to be is where the guns are. So off he goes into the West and becomes the foe of the notorious Pecos Kid, the captive of Paiutes, the target in a saloon showdown, and the lone source of the whereabouts of a fabulous gold strike.
The Prince Of Thieves
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After fighting in the Crusades alongside Richard I of England Sir Allan Claire is returning home to marry his betrothed Lady Christable. Accompanied by his sister Lady Marian Claire, the two are intercepted by Robin Hood and his band of Merrie Men. Recognising a friend of King Richard, Robin informs them that Lady Christabel is the be married to another against her well in the interest of politics and her father's fortune. The three team up to rescue the fair lady.
Where There's Life
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El rey de un lejano país resulta gravemente herido después de un intento de asesinato. Su único heredero es un tímido profesional de la radio, que vive en Nueva York. Después de viajar a regañadientes a su país natal, se convierte en objetivo de la misma organización terrorista que atacó al rey.
Sweet Genevieve
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The biggest town problem is worrying whether the high school basketball team will win the championship...until racketeers move into town and the kids begin to bet on horses, become overly fond of stripped-down racing cars, and Genevieve Rogers (Jean Porter) suspects her father of being too fond of the school principal's secretary. Town nerd Bill Kennedy (Jimmy Lydon) invents a new fuel amidst rumors that - horrors - the basketball game might be fixed. River City is not the only town that has trouble starting with a "T" and there's not a pool hall in sight.
Dear Ruth
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Lt. William Seacroft, on leave from the Italian front, arrives at the New York home of Ruth Wilkins, with whom he has been corresponding. Unknown to both Ruth and Bill, Ruth's younger sister, Miriam, has been writing the letters and signing Ruth's name as part of a program to keep up soldiers' morale. Although Ruth has just gotten engaged to a coworker, she agrees to see Bill and pretend she wrote the letters.
Deadline for Murder
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A favor for an old friend leads a Los Angeles gambler (Kent Taylor) into a dangerous search for a missing document.
The French Key
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Private detective Johnny Fletcher and his sidekick Sam Cragg skip out on their rented room, but when they sneak back to retrieve their luggage, they discover a dead body on the bed, holding a gold coin in its hand. Fletcher is told by a coin collector that the piece is an old and valuable Spanish coin, but Fletcher soon begins to suspect that the man is himself involved in the murder. Fletcher's investigation leads to he and Sam getting caught up in a murder and gold smuggling scheme.
Extraña interpretación
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Nora Goodrich, una experta química que se dedica a la investigación, está decidida a probar en sí misma la anestesia que acaba de inventar. Pero, tras inyectársela, todo empieza a irle mal: su novio la abandona, es víctima de un chantaje y una devastadora explosión le desfigura la cara.
Frontier Fugitives
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Ellen Williams' father has a valuable collection of furs and an outlaw gang is after them. Before he is killed, Williams hides a note revealing their location. The Texas Rangers are on the job and to get more information, they have Panhandle pose as an Indian chief.
Dangerous Intruder
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A female hitchiker is taken in by a family after a horrible car accident. While she recovers, she begins to unravel a murder mystery involving the woman of the house.
Mi novio está loco
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La única condición que se le impone a un joven para heredar ocho millones de dólares es que sea capaz de gastar uno en tan sólo dos meses. Esta disparatada situación provocada por el testamento de un loco millonario americano le dará al joven muchos quebraderos de cabeza.
Cumbres borrascosas
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Perdido en medio de una tormenta de nieve en un rocoso páramo inglés, un extranjero se topa con Cumbres Borrascosas, la lúgubre mansión del misterioso Heathcliff, un hombre tan torturado por un amor frustrado que ha perdido el deseo de vivir. Mientras la tormenta ruge en el exterior, el fatigado caminante escucha fascinado la triste historia del desesperado amor de Heathcliff y Cathy. Cuando Heathcliff volvió a buscarla, después de una larga ausencia intentando hacer fortuna, Cathy ya se había casado con un joven de la alta sociedad. El desengaño destrozó el alma de Heathcliff, pero no logró apagar el fuego de una pasión inextinguible que arderá en sus entrañas por toda la eternidad.
La diligencia
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Personajes muy variopintos emprenden un largo, duro y peligroso viaje en diligencia. Entre ellos, un fuera de la ley en busca de venganza, una prostituta a la que han echado del pueblo, un jugador, un médico, la mujer embarazada de un militar y un sheriff. Las relaciones entre ellos serán difíciles y tensas. Además, durante el viaje, tendrán que afrontar el ataque de una partida de indios apaches.
Sucedió una noche
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Peter Warren, es un periodista desempleado que se topa con Ellie, la hija de un millonario que huyó del barco de Alexander Andrews, su padre, porque no acepta al hombre con el que ella se quiere casar. Peter ve la oportunidad de conseguir una buena historia, pero varios hechos acaban por crear un vínculo entre ellos.