Vivek Jadhav


A Prayer for Rain
Art Direction
Año 1984. Con la esperanza de abandonar la pobreza, Dilip acepta trabajar en una fábrica de pesticidas en Bhopal (India), sin saber que pronto ocurrirá un escape tóxico, el cual acabará con la vida de miles de personas y dejará terribles secuelas.
Art Direction
Set in the picturesque Himalayas, Hansa attempts to depict the trials and tribulations faced by the villagers who reside there. The movie is seen from perspective of a little boy, Hansa and his sister, Cheeku’s eyes. Their father has mysteriously disappeared and a lot of the responsibility falls on Cheeku who has to prevent her house from getting sold and is at the receiving end of a powerful villager’s lecherous advances while little Hansa is too restless and distracted to pay attention to all the trouble his sister is facing.
Six Strands
Production Design
Partially based on true stories, 'Six Strands' is a character study inspired by the world famous Darjeeling tea industry and its undisclosed secrets.