Peru, 1943. Hatsu, a young motherless girl must take over the business of the family and her three little sisters, as her father was deported to concentration camps in the US, thus facing a whirlwind of hatred and violence unleashed against citizens whose only “crime” was having Japanese blood.
Alumnos se burlan de su profesor y el se desquita.
A man paints. Immersed in his work, the environment around him evokes images from which he cannot separate himself.
A man paints. Immersed in his work, the environment around him evokes images from which he cannot separate himself.
Un grupo de amigos decide pasar la noche haciendo lo que siempre hacen: deambular por las calles en busca de algo con que emborracharse. A ellos se les une Isidro, un chico con el que Luciana tiene un encuentro fortuito en un microbús. Son los últimos días del verano.