Emma Rose Maloney

Emma Rose Maloney


Emma Rose Maloney


The Terror of Hallow's Eve
Ashley Carter
After a fifteen-year-old is brutally beaten up by High School bullies, his wish for revenge unknowingly unleashes the Terror of Halloween.
Caitlin Lee
Historia del ex lanzador de béisbol de Grandes Ligas Bill 'Spaceman' Lee después de su lanzamiento por los Expos de Montreal.
Mega Shark vs. Mecha Shark
When another Mega Shark returns from the depths of the sea, world militaries go on high alert. Ocean traffic grinds to a standstill as everyone lives in fear of the insatiable beast. Out of options, the US government unleashes the top secret Mecha Shark project -- a mechanical shark built to have the same exact characteristics as Mega. A pair of scientists pilot the mechanical creature as they fight Mega in a pitched battle to save the planet. But when faulty mechanics cause the Mecha to go after humans, the scientists must somehow guide Mega to Mecha in hopes that the two titans will kill each other - or risk untold worldwide destruction.
The Slingers
Siblings Bradley and Brianna round up all their friends and join a new children's kickball league. The world of sports will never be the same.