Leandro Tolchinsky


Moacir y yo
Moacir ha muerto, pero puede vivir en imágenes y en el corazón de Tomás Lipgot. El director no se resigna a abandonar aún a su inolvidable personaje y se embarca en una despedida que es además una suerte de diario personal confeccionado con toda la calidez y el cariño del mundo.
Escenas de una fiesta rota
Six characters. The search for oneself and the other. Frustration, intimacy, clumsy attempts to find them. Who are we when the bases of what define us are shaken? Who are we beneath the masks?
El árbol de la muralla
Jack Fuchs is one of the last Holocaust survivors who currently lives in Buenos Aires. With a serene face, relaxed tone and intelligent humor, it is difficult to connect this Pole with that man who was imprisoned for years in concentration camps, including Auschwitz, and who lost his entire family in World War II. Despite the pain, and after 40 years of silence, Jack offers talks and conferences, receives visitors and cooks for his family and friends. Using animation and images filmed by Fuchs himself as resources, the new documentary by Tomás Lipgot composes the portrait of a survivor of the Nazi genocide who, at almost ninety years old, surprises with his lucidity and enchantment.
A Gesture
A one-minute short made for BAFICI (Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema)