Keesha Sharp

Keesha Sharp

Nacimiento : 1973-06-09, Brooklyn, New York, USA


Keesha Sharp is an American television actress, known for her role as Monica in Girlfriends, for which she earned an NAACP Image Award Nomination for "Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series".


Keesha Sharp


Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part One
Vixen (voice)
Death is coming. Worse than death: oblivion. Not just for our Earth, but for everyone, everywhere, in every universe! Against this ultimate destruction, the mysterious Monitor has gathered the greatest team of Super Heroes ever assembled. But what can the combined might of Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, The Flash, Green Lantern and hundreds of Super Heroes from multiple Earths even do to save all of reality from an unstoppable antimatter armageddon?!
Spring Breakthrough
Monica Rollins
Single mother Monica Rollins excitedly waits for her daughter, Vivian, to come home for spring break, their annual tradition. Days before, after years of tireless dedication to her job, Monica is unceremoniously fired. To make matters worse, Monica is dealt with a second blow when Vivian announces her surprise engagement to Shawn, someone Monica didn't even know existed and travels to The Gulf Shores for the engagement celebration. En route, she meets Clark Randall, who also happens to be Shawn’s godfather, at the airport and an unexpected flirtation ignites.
Green Lantern: Cuidado con mi poder
Vixen (voice)
El francotirador de la Marina recién dado de baja, John Stewart, se encuentra en una encrucijada en su vida, que solo se complica al recibir un anillo extraterrestre que le otorga los poderes de la Linterna Verde de la Tierra. Desafortunadamente, el anillo no viene con instrucciones, pero sí con equipaje, como una horda de asesinos interplanetarios empeñados en eliminar a todos los Green Lantern del universo. Ahora, con la ayuda del alegre Green Arrow, Adam Strange y Hawkgirl, este soldado reacio debe viajar al corazón de una guerra galáctica entre Rann y Thanagar y de alguna manera tener éxito donde todos los demás Green Lanterns han fracasado.
Titanic 666
Capt. Celeste Rhoades
Después de que un gigantesco crucero navega sobre el sitio del desastre del Titanic, comienzan a ocurrir eventos oscuros y mortales a bordo. Mientras el capitán del barco investiga los trágicos sucesos, queda claro que los pasajeros del Titanic original han regresado.
The Wolves
On the eve of a comet passing strikingly close to Earth a pair of sadistic home invaders toy with a captive family, but everything changes when the comet triggers an invasion of its own.
A Christmas Surprise
A mother gets a Christmas surprise when her daughter announces she's engaged. Now the holiday is thrown into chaos as she deals with her less-than-impressive and soon-to-be son-in law, his overbearing mother and an impending wedding.
This Is Christmas
Christmas is approaching, and best friends Harry, Jordan, Ben, and Dennis are at their annual get together before the holidays. As they share stories of their past year, it is clear they all still have a lot of growing to do. Jimmy struggles with an unhappy marriage and an ill-timed affair with his daughter's 17 year old babysitter. Meanwhile, his best friend Jordan splits from his partner, Steve, only to discover he may not be the biological father of their daughter. Harry struggles with an estranged relationship with his father and his ex-wife. But everything turns into total chaos when Ben loses custody of his son and decides kidnapping is the only way to save his family. Now these friends must come together and do the right thing, proving family and friendship is what is most important. With an all star ensemble cast, "This Is Christmas" is perfect for the holidays. -- from WowNow Entertainment
Buster Marshall
Este drama histórico presenta los inicios de la carrera del abogado de la NAACP Thurgood Marshall, que se convertirá en el primer juez afroamericano de la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos. En el Connecticut de 1940, Marshall defiende a un chófer negro que es acusado de violar e intentar asesinar a su jefa blanca.
You Have a Nice Flight
A lovable Vietnamese manicurist, Dong Hung, desperately needs to fly to Vietnam within 24 hours to donate his kidney for a transplant to save his sick twin brother. But Dong Hung just can't stay out of trouble at the airport. His naivete and poor English, along with airport security and an unsympathetic airline leads to hilarious chaos. As things spiral out of control, Dong Hung misses his first flight and is bumped cruelly from the second. A beautiful stewardess, Jesta, tries to help and is pulled into Dong Hung's comical orbit. An unlikely romance develops and a hero emerges.
Born Guilty
What happens when you secretly pay someone to romance your Mom?
Víctima del éxito
Gina Morgan
Después de una sesión de una noche con su entrenador, un fenómeno de la natación presionado, encuentra la vida de ella y de sus seres queridos en peligro.
FIVE MEN - FIVE SHATTERED LIVES: JIMMY struggles with his girlfriend, Dina, when she runs away, half naked, in the middle of night, accusing him of molesting her. DENNIS, desperate and unhappy in his marriage, has an ill-timed affair with his daughter's 17 year old babysitter. JORDAN splits from his partner, Steve, only to discover he may not be the biological father of their daughter. HARRY, angered over his estranged relationship with his father and his ex-wife, loses it and abuses his girlfriend sadistically. BEN, after losing custody of his son because he viciously attacked his ex-wife's boyfriend in front of him, takes the law into his own hands and kidnaps his son. All five stories intersect as each man tries to salvage what is left of his life.
¿Por qué me casé?
La película trata sobre la dificultad de mantener una relación sólida en los tiempos modernos. Ocho amigos de la universidad casadas más otra no-amigo (todos los han Conseguido pasar de clase media a clase alta) ir a Colorado para su reunión de una semana de duración anual, el estado de ánimo cambia de objetivo Cuando una infidelidad de la pareja sale a la luz. Los secretos son revelados y cada pareja empieza a cuestionar su propia boda.
Leprechaun 6: El regreso
Leprechaun ha vuelto al barrio, enfurecido y buscando venganza. Cuando un grupo de amigos descubren su tesoro, pronto descubren también que han destapado la caja de los truenos. Gracias a esa riqueza, pasan de pobres a millonarios de la noche a la mañana, gastándose su recién adquirida fortuna en coches espectaculares y extensiones de pelo. Uno por uno, los amigos se van enfrentando a un Leprechaun que fuma hierba, lleva navajas y roba coches, y que no se detendrá ante nada para recuperar su tesoro.
El más buscado en Malibú
Sister #1
Bill Gluckman (Ryan O'Neal), un rico judío de Malibú candidato a gobernador de California, ve peligrar su carrera política por culpa de su hijo (Jamie Kennedy), un niño rico que, en su afán de convertirse en rapero, no cesa de poner en evidencia a su progenitor cada vez que habla y actúa como tal. Así que Bill, decidido a darle una lección y esperando quitarle de la cabeza la idea de ser rapero, contrata a dos actores para que, haciéndose pasar por gángsteres, secuestren a su hijo y le enseñen lo "duro" que es el mundo en el que se quiere introducir.
American Adobo
The everyday struggles of people trying to bridge two cultures, as well as their attempt to find happiness in their new homeland. Tere (Cherrie Pie Picache), mid-forties and single, hosts a dinner for a friend visiting from Manila, Lorna. Invited are their New York City-based friends and former college classmates -- Mike (Christopher De Leon), a newspaper editor in his forties, Gerry (Ricky Davao), an advertising copywriter and closeted gay, and Marissa (Dina Bonnevie).