Carl Laemmle Jr.

Carl Laemmle Jr.

Nacimiento : 1908-04-28, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Muerte : 1979-09-24


Carl Laemmle Jr.


Show Boat
Despite her mother's objections, the naive young daughter of a show boat captain is thrust into the limelight as the company's new leading lady.
Remember Last Night?
After a night of wild partying at a friend's house, a couple wake up to discover the party's host has been murdered in his bed.
La novia de Frankenstein
Después de la huida del monstruo creado por el doctor Frankenstein, el siniestro Dr. Praetorius propone al científico la creación de una compañera para el monstruo.
Transient Lady
A senator's brother turns up murdered, and the senator tries to pin the blame on a man he knows is innocent.
Night Life of the Gods
A scientist named Hunter Hawk invents a device that can turn flesh to stone. While celebrating his discovery he becomes involved with a half naked leprechaun. On a trip to New York, Hunter and Meg (the leprechaun) decide to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and turn all of the Statues of Greek Gods into people. What follows in a drunken romp around New York with Medusa's severed head still in Perseus' hand.
Una chica angelical
Historia de una chica huérfana que siembra el bien y la confusión y que al final se transforma en una comedia sobre los estragos que la inocencia causa en el cinismo masculino.
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
A choirmaster addicted to opium and obsessed with a beautiful young woman will stop at nothing to possess her.
Secret of the Chateau
Executive Producer
Murder results when a group of houseguests converge on a chateau, each plotting to steal a valuable Gutenberg Bible.
Imitación de la vida
La viuda Beatrice Pullman (Claudette Colbert) empieza a obtener beneficios gracias a las recetas de repostería de su sirvienta negra Delilah Johnson (Louise Beavers). Mientras tanto, la hija de Beatrice (Rochelle Hudson) se enamora de su padrastro. Por su parte, la hija de la sirvienta (Fredi Washington) se empeña en hacerse pasar por blanca
Siempre hay un mañana
Ignored by his ever-busy wife and children, a middle-aged businessman finds companionship with a former female employee.
Great Expectations
Executive Producer
Una de las varias adaptaciones que se han hecho del texto homónimo de Dickens sobre la historia del huérfano Pip y un misterioso bienhechor que le satisfará económicamente para hacer de él un caballero. (FILMAFFINITY)
Embarrassing Moments
Jerry Randolph is an inveterate and obnoxious practical joker. Things take a serious turn when it looks as though Jerry's latest prank has resulted in the death of his best friend.
Gift of Gab
Conceited radio announcer irritates everyone else at the station.
One More River
A young lady leaves her brutal husband and meets another man on board a ship.
Little Man, What Now?
A young couple struggling against poverty must keep their marriage a secret in order for the husband to keep his job, as his boss doesn't like to hire married men.
Half a Sinner
Un estafador se hace pasar por un predicador.
Una pareja en viaje de luna de miel, viajan en tren por las tierras de Budapest con destino a Wiesegrad, para después dirigirse a Gombos. Debido a un error de la ferroviaria, deben de aceptar hospedar en su vagón privado a un huésped, el doctor Vitus Werdegast, psiquiatra. Aunque a regañadientes, y para evitar que el intruso se quede en el pasillo toda la noche, aceptan. Una vez juntos, el doctor Vitus les dice que va a Wiesegrad a ver a un viejo amigo, pero por la expresión de su rostro no parece tener muy buenas intenciones. Durante el transcurso del viaje, la joven pareja se queda dormida, momento que aprovecha el doctor para acariciar la cabeza de la desposada. Pero el marido lo ha observado todo.
Affairs of a Gentleman
When a novelist is murdered, suspicion falls on all the women he had affairs with--and then wrote about in his books.
The Poor Rich
Albert Stuyvesant Spottiswood and his cousin Harriet Winthrop Spottiswood arrive separately at their long abandoned and very much run down family manor, each unaware that the other is going to be there, and since both have become penniless, they are forced to move into the dilapidated house. When Albert receives a letter from old acquaintances Lord and Lady Fetherstone advising the Spottiswoods of their impending visit to the manor, the cousins are at wit's end as to how to exercise non-existent skills required to make the old house acceptable for guest reception.
Story about four generations in a family of musicians.
Cross Country Cruise
A young woman is involved with a married man, although she does not know that he is married. He kills his jealous wife and implicates her in the murder. However, a playboy character who had been flirting with the woman earlier turns amateur detective and clears her.
Bombay Mail
In India, a police inspector investigates a murder that took place on a train between Calcutta and Bombay.
El abogado
George Simon, un exitoso abogado judío de Manhattan, tiene que enfrentarse de repente a la infidelidad de su mujer y a su propio pasado.
By Candlelight
A beautiful woman mistakes a Prince's butler for the Prince.
King for a Night
A prizefighter is convicted of a murder that was actually committed by his sister.
El hombre invisible
Adaptación de una novela de H.G. Wells sobre un hombre que posee la facultad de hacerse invisible.
Parece que fue ayer
Película inspirada en la novela de Stefan Zweig “Carta de una desconocida”. La protagonista es una mujer que es seducida en dos ocasiones por el mismo hombre, sin que éste la reconozca la segunda vez.
Saturday's Millions
Los altibajos de un equipo de fútbol americano universitario.
Ladies Must Love
Lighthearted comedy film following the (mis)adventures of four gold diggers.
El capitán disloque
Comedia dirigida por William Wyler, donde una mujer, Mary Horner, echa mano de sus ahorros para comprarle un barco a su marido John, con el que podrá montar su propio negocio.
Secret of the Blue Room
According to a legend, the mansion's "blue room" is cursed -- everyone who has ever spent the night in that room has met with an untimely end. The three suitors of the heroine wager that each can survive a night in the forbidding blue room.
Don't Bet on Love
A plumber wins big at the racetrack but then his luck runs out and almost ruins his business. His manicurist girlfriend stands by him and helps him readjust to life as a plumber.
The Kiss Before the Mirror
When a famous doctor kills his adulterous wife, he is defended by his best friend, an attorney who suspects that his own wife is having an affair.
El gran domador
Un circo al borde de la quiebra decide salvarse montando un número con leones y tigres por primera vez.
Lucky Dog
A rich man's enemies cause him to lose his money, his best friend (his dog), as he goes to jail. Once free he spends all his time hunting for his lost dog.
Forasteros en Honduras
Kelly se enamora de un inspector de hacienda, cuya esposa divorciada le exige la pensión alimenticia.
Out All Night
A "mama's boy" falls for a spinster who takes care of children at a department store nursery.
Destination Unknown
A group of people are stuck on a schooner in the middle of the Pacific with no wind.
A doctor searches for the cure for nagana, the sleeping sickness caused by the tsetse fly.
Laughter in Hell
In the late 1800s, a man is sentenced to life at hard labor for killing his wife and her lover.
Flaming Guns
A ranch manager falls in love with a banker's daughter, but after a quarrel with the girl's parents, flee across the border into Mexico.
El caserón de las sombras
Debido a una tormenta, unos viajeros que pretenden llegar en automóvil a Shrewsbury, se ven obligados a refugiarse en un viejo caserón. Los habitantes del lugar, dos hermanos y un mayordomo mudo, les dan cobijo, pero la casa encierra algunos misterios.
Okay, America!
A gossip columnist's rise to fame. Based closely on the real life of Walter Winchell.
La usurpadora
Ray Smith es una joven extrovertida y liberal que rechaza continuamente el matrimonio. Sin embargo, cuando conoce al apuesto Walter se enamora al instante de él a pesar de que está comprometido con otra mujer.
¿Héroe o cobarde?
Tom es un joven que tiene una imagen idealizada de su padre, al que considera un héroe de guerra; pero debido a las burlas de sus compañeros de colegio, acaba descubriendo que en realidad su padre fue un desertor.
Fast Companions
Un delincuente ha decidido regenerarse por completo.
Radio Patrol
A policeman in need of money is persuaded to take a $1000 bribe to stay away the night a packing house is to be robbed.
Night World
"Happy" MacDonald and his unfaithful wife own a Prohibition era night club. On this eventful night, he is threatened by bootleggers, and the club's star dancer falls in love with a young socialite who drinks to forget a personal tragedy, among other incidents.
The Doomed Battalion
During World War 1, an Austrian Battalion holds a mountain stronghold against the attack of the Italian army.
The Rider of Death Valley
Rigby, Larribee, and Grant each have one third of Bill Joyce's map locating his gold mine. The three plus Joyce's sister Helen head for the mine. An accident with a runaway horse carrying supplies leaves them stranded in the desert with very little water.
Destry Rides Again
The story about a man framed for a crime he didn't commit, who returns to wreak havoc following his release from prison.
Steady Company
Truck driver Norman Foster has aspirations to become a prize fighter, but romantic interest June Clyde finds the idea deplorable. Henry Armetta and ZaSu Pitts supply the laughs.
The Impatient Maiden
A maid's dream comes true but are not quite what she expected.
El doble asesinato de la calle Morgue
A finales del siglo XIX, un sádico doctor de París se dedica a secuestrar a mujeres jóvenes para realizar experimentos que puedan ayudarle a confirmar sus teorías sobre la evolución del mono al hombre. Desgraciadamente, las víctimas no sobreviven a los estudios del científico, y éste se ve obligado a capturar a nuevas desafortunadas para continuar con su trabajo. Mientras, la joven pareja formada por Camille y el joven médico Pierre vive ajena a los planes del doctor, hasta que ella se convierte en el próximo objetivo del científico.
Racing Youth
A young man is mistaken for his boss.
La momia
Un grupo de arqueólogos británicos invaden la tumba de un cadáver momificado que resulta ser un sumo sacerdote del antiguo Egipto. La momia, que revivirá accidentalmente 3.700 años después de su muerte, intentará raptar a una joven de ascendencia egipcia que se parece a la princesa que amó en vida y que fue el motivo de su ejecución.
El instinto del amor
Un cantante mujeriego se enamora de una sureña anticuada. El problema es que ella ya está comprometida.
La casa de la discordia
En un pueblo del Pacífico, Seth, un pescador viudo, se casa con Ruth, una jovencita que podría ser su hija. Poco a poco, la chica comienza a sentirse atraída por Matt, el hijo de Seth.
Heaven on Earth
A young boy finds out that the man he thought was his father actually killed his real father, then adopted him.
El doctor Frankenstein
El doctor Henry Von Frankenstein acomete un experimento tenebroso: construir, a partir de fragmentos de cadáveres, un nuevo ser humano. Con la ayuda de su criado Fritz, se adentra durante la noche en los cementerios de la localidad para arrancar a los cadáveres las partes que necesita. Lo que ignora es que el cerebro que ha utilizado en su experimento había pertenecido a un criminal.
The Spirit of Notre Dame
Story of two friends who play football, one of whom is a self-centered quarterback who thinks he's the only man on the team.
Waterloo Bridge
In World War I London, Myra is an American out-of-work chorus girl making ends meet by picking up men on Waterloo Bridge. During a Zeppelin air raid she meets Roy, a naive young American who enlisted in the Canadian army. After they fall for each other, Roy tricks Myra into visiting his family, who live in a country estate outside London, his mother having remarried to a retired British Major. Myra is reluctant to continue the relationship with Roy, he not aware of her past.
Homicide Squad
The police use a gangster's son to get to him.
East of Borneo
Mrs. Linda Randolph treks through darkened jungles to the land of Maradu to find her missing husband Allan, who'd left her years before when he believed she was in love with another. She finds Allan the drunken court physician to a devious prince-- Whose designs on the pair don't include a happy ending.
Up for Murder
Young reporter accidentially kills his newspaper's editor in a fight over the publisher's mistress, who is also the paper's society editor.
Bart (John Boles) no tiene más remedio que olvidar su pasión literaria y empezar a trabajar en una editorial para mantener a su mujer y a sus cinco hijos. Allí conoce a Mildred (Genevieve Tobin), una antigua novia que convence al jefe para que le permita a Bart terminar su novela. Como, debido al alboroto familiar, no puede hacerlo en su casa,va a escribir al apartamento de Mildred. El amor resurge y deciden irse a vivir fuera del país. Diez años después, Bart regresa convertido en un gran escritor y se propone recuperar el cariño de sus hijos dándoles dinero para que vayan a la universidad.
Iron Man
Prizefighter Mason loses his opening fight so wife Rose leaves him for Hollywood. Without her around Mason trains and starts winning. Rose comes back and wants Mason to dump his manager Regan and replace him with her secret lover Lewis.
The Bad Sister
Marianne falls in love with con man Valentine who uses their relation to get her father's endorsement on a money-raising scheme. He runs off with the money and Marianne, later dumping her. Her sister Laura loves Dr. Lindley although she knows he loves Marianne. Marianne returns and marries a wealthy young man, and Lindley turns his love toward Laura.
El conde Drácula cambia su residencia desde los Cárpatos a occidente. Para ello se procura la ayuda del abogado Renfield que le visita para acompañarle en su mudanza como servidor. Una vez instalado, conoce a una joven, ya prometida, de quién se enamora. Comenzará a visitarla por las noches, para ir bebiendo su sangre poco a poco, y convertirla así en su esposa. Pero el malestar que sufre la joven alerta a su familia, que contacta con el doctor Van Helsing... Versión alternativa al Drácula de Tod Browning interpretado por Bela Lugosi, que se grabó simultáneamente a la versión de habla inglesa, usando de noche los mismos estudios cuando el equipo de Browning terminaba su jornada diaria de rodaje. Fue el primer y último intento de la Universal de intentar abarcar el mercado hispano.
El conde Drácula abandona los Cárpatos y se traslada a Londres, llevándose como sirviente a un contable. Una vez instalado, se enamora de una joven que ya está prometida. Empieza a a visitarla por las noches y va bebiendo su sangre poco a poco para convertirla así en su esposa. Pero el malestar que sufre la joven alerta a su familia, que busca la ayuda del doctor Van Helsing.
Katusha, a country girl, is seduced and abandoned by Prince Nekludov. Nekludov finds himself, years later, on a jury trying the same Katusha for a crime he now realizes his actions drove her to. He follows her to imprisonment in Siberia, intent on redeeming her and himself as well.
The Boudoir Diplomat
A ladies' man flirts with the wives of other governments' officials.
Sublime sacrificio
La mujer de un rico industrial se pelea con él y decide irse de crucero. Él cree que le ha abandonado definitivamente, de modo que se casa con otra. Cuando regresa su primera esposa, surgen complicaciones.
Outside the Law
Fingers is planning a half-million-dollar bank robbery in gang boss Cobra Collins' territory. Fingers' moll Connie tries to bluff Cobra into thinking the hit won't be for another week when the call comes through saying it's now.
Little Accident
On the day before his second wedding, a man finds out that his bride-to-be has had a baby.
What Men Want
A playboy's mistress falls in love with another man. Her younger sister arrives in town. Complications ensue.
Sin novedad en el frente
Mítica película antibélica que plasma los sentimientos, sensaciones y desilusiones de un grupo de jóvenes estudiantes que son enviados al frente en la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Es una adaptación de la novela homónima del escritor alemán Erich María Remarque. Su estreno provocó enfrentamientos entre nazis y comunistas.
El rey del Jazz
Una revista que gira en torno al director de orquesta Paul Whiteman, además de demostrar en su número de clausura que la música popular europea se halla en las raíces de la música popular norteamericana, es decir, el jazz.
Santos del infierno
Tras robar un banco y perder a uno de sus compañeros en el tiroteo, tres forajidos huyen de la justicia a través del desierto. El camino les ayudará a reflexionar sobre lo ocurrido.
Shanghai Lady
Having spent several wasted months in a Shanghai opium dem, former prostitute Cassie Cook yearns to start her life afresh. Likewise, ex-convict Badlands McKinney also wants to clean up his act.
College Love
college love movie
A naive young dancer in a Broadway show innocently gets involved in backstage bootlegging and murder.
Soledad (Lonesome)
Supervising Producer
Mary y Jim, dos solitarios personajes de la gran ciudad, se encuentran de casualidad en un parque de diversiones. Pasan el día juntos, recorriendo la playa y vistando los juegos mecánicos. De improviso, la multitud y una tormenta conspiran para separarlos. ¿Se volverán a ver? (FILMAFFINITY)
Sliding Home
Sliding Home is a 1928 Comedy short
A Dog of the Regiment
During World War I, Rin-Tin-Tin finds that he must rescue his master, a fighter pilot, from his wrecked aircraft. He also has to help him escape his rival, who has ordered him shot so he can have the girl they're competing for all to himself.
Running Wild
Cowardly Elmer Finch is browbeaten by his wife, daughter, fat son and the family dog. After hypnosis he is domineering. He enters a contract with a fifteen-thousand dollar payoff, so his courage can last beyond the hypnosis.
The Collegians
The Collegians was a four year series of 46 two-reel films, in which the same players played the same roles through four years of college life, as envisioned by Hollywood's screenwriters of the mid-1920's.
The Thrill Chaser
In this partially lost silent film, a man working as a motion picture extra in Hollywood westerns impresses a visiting sheikh with his boxing skills and is engaged to go to Arabia, where he becomes involved in warring and falls in love with a beautiful princess.