Junya Kato


White Lily
Tokiko es una famosa ceramista que imparte talleres en casa. Haruka es su asistente de estudiante y amante que vive con ella. Sin embargo, las instrucciones de Tokiko son bastante específicas y Haruka está obligada a confiar ciegamente en su maestra. Haruka establece los métodos de su maestra y todo va bien hasta que Tokiko acepta a un joven estudiante, Satoru. Haruka se siente engañada y está celosa cuando Tokiko comienza a enfocarse cada vez más en Satoru. Por otro lado, la novia de Satoru, Akane lo sigue y no quiere dejarlo.
Somewhere in Kamakura
Nakata Hideo enlists Kagawa Kyoko, who immortalizes the youngest sister Kyoko in Ozu’s "Tokyo Story", to play an 80-year-old who suddenly receives a letter from her first love.
Ghost Theater
Sara, es una joven actriz, capaz de llevar el peso de un papel protagonista en una obra de teatro. Rápidamente, se da cuenta que algo o alguien quiere acabar con la producción a toda costa, algo que la pondrá seriamente en peligro.
Tokyo PR Woman
Rena Misaki works at a bank. She lacks self-confidence. Because of a reason, she begins working for a PR company and her boss is Kusakabe. As she struggles to work under her new boss, Rena Misaki grows as a person.
The Road Less Travelled
Kazunari Katsuki (Gaku Sano) lied to his classmate that Tokyo stinks. Because of his comment, he goes to Tokyo alone. On his way back, he misses his flight back to Kumamoto. Kazunari only 3,400 yen in his pocket. He becomes confused about his missed flight. At that time, Masami Tanaka (Kaoru Sugita), who works at an airport souvenir shop, talks to Kazunari. On Kazunari's unusual trip back to Kumamoto, he meets many different adults and begins to think about his life.
The Complex
Una joven estudiante a enfermería, Asuka, se traslada junto con sus padres y su nuevo hermano a un nuevo inmueble. Pero, ya la primera noche, Asuka se despertará al escuchar un extraño sonido, como de uñas escarvando, que viene del piso contiguo. Al investigar, descubrirá a un anciano muerto por malnutrición que aparentemente se encontraba escarvando la pared con sus uñas para invadir su dormitorio.
Atsuhime No.1
It is 1853. Atsuko, adopted daughter of Shimazu Nariakira of the Satsuma clan and known to history as “Atsu-hime”, is en route by palanquin from her home to the castle of the Shogun in distant Edo. She is not happy with this, however, and resolves to struggle against her fate. In the mountains of Hakone she runs from her procession. Her governess Tae and the woman ninja Mitsu give chace. Continuing on in spite of their entreaties to come back, she looks up as the weird light of a meteor envelops them. The next thing she knows, she has gone 160 years into the future…
Ousama Game
Una noche, Chiemi Honda y su amigo de la infancia, Nobuaki Kanazawa, reciben un correo electrónico de Osama (rey) a quien no conocen. El tema de este correo electrónico es " Osama Game". El correo electrónico dice que si el destinatario no completa la orden del rey dentro de 24 horas serán castigados. Desde ese primer mensaje todos los compañeros de Chiemi reciben el mensaje del rey. En primer lugar, los estudiantes obedecen la orden por diversión, pero las órdenes son progresivamente peores. Finalmente, dos compañeros de clase que no siguieron las órdenes son castigados. Después de eso, sus compañeros de clase empiezan a desaparecer en secuencia...
Stop the Bitch Campaign Version 2.0
Confusingly, this is actually the first “Stop the…” movie of what (to date) has been a trilogy. Kuni (Kenichi Endo) runs a Phone Sex service, where middle-aged men talk too, and arrange to meet, schoolgirls for “Compensated Dating” (enjo kosai) – the men provide gifts in return for “dating” the schoolgirl (although no money changes hands, this is effectively teenage prostitution). Kuni discovers that one group of schoolgirls are using his service to ambush (and then blackmail) his clients and decides to embark on a moral crusade against them (hence the title, Stop the Bitch…). Unfortunately, this crusade takes the form of arranging to meet the schoolgirls, having (kinky and degrading) sex with them and then running off without paying. The logic goes that if these girls are not making money from their “dating”, they will give it up, making the world a safer place for everyone. Unfortunately for Kuni, these schoolgirls decide to fight back….
New Type: Just For Your Love
Yuri, who works at the ticket window at a ferry terminal, is one-eyed. One day, she is held at knifepoint and locked away in captivity by an enigmatic man named Kwon, who has missed a ferry. At the very moment Yuri learns that Kwon has supernatural powers. As Kwon and Yuri become closer to each other, Yuri's friend, Akiyama, accidentally finds the secret of Yuri's supernatural power. Yuri has the ability to go back in time. As the price for her supernatural ability, Yuri becomes blind in one eye. In the meantime, Kwon gets shot by mysterious men. Yuri, who has started feeling affection for Kwon, tries to save him using her special power again.
0093: Masao Kusakari On Her Majesty's Secret Service
A James Bond Parody
Ten Nights of Dreams
Based on renowned Japanese writer Natsume Soseki's same-titled short story collection, Ten Nights of Dreams brings ten fantastical dream sequences to film with great visual and psychological panache. Representing the combined efforts of eleven directors, this outstanding anthology delves into the surreal subconscious with ten madly imaginative, reality-subverting visions that range from wonderfully wacky to nightmarishly unsettling.
Kaidan Shin Mimibukuro: Nobuhiro-san
Nobuhiro is convinced that, in order to honor his mother's death by suicide, he needs to find the reincarnation of his mother and die with her, together, under the spell of love. A young model tries to discover the truth behind one of his paintings which depicts the horrific death of a woman and her lover.
Death Trance
En un lugar desconocido, en un tiempo desconocido, un solitario samurai comoncido como Grave busca su pelea definitiva con la persona más poderosa del mundo. En su intento, Grave roba un antiguo ataud de un templo budista. En el interior del ataud se dice que vive apresada una diosa de la destrucción, aunque otros dicen que cumplirá todos sus deseos. El joven, acompañado de una niña, intentará llegar al Bosque del Oeste para abrir el ataud. Durante su camino se encontrará con varios peligros y personajes que intentarán recuperar el ataud.
Meatball Machine
Capable of making bio-mechanical weapons out of human flesh, alien parasites grotesquely invade the Earth, turning their hosts into maniacal killers who seek and destroy each other to the bloody death! And yes, it s also a human love story, even though the budding romantics are infested with slimy, tumor-like globules.
Man Gataro Show: Babaa Zone
Based on the manga by Man Gataro.