Fishing comedy/drama based on a true story about two mates in a Kaipara Harbour fishing contest who end up being blackmailed when caught cheating.
Set Decoration
Out on a dead calm ocean, in a thick fog, a group of tourists on a pleasure craft are about to cross paths with an ancient and terrible evil. Sharing the same ocean, a sick, dying old Greek man drifts alone on a stricken yacht. The Greek (John Rhys-Davies) has been cheating death for countless years. Trading broken bodies for new ones over centuries. With him he carries a deadly weapon that allows him to do this. This weapon, the Shifting Blade, gives its possessor an awesome power. But now is the time of reckoning. The Ferryman, the ancient conveyor of death and the path to the afterlife is close and he wants the Greek. There is a payment to be made.
La señora Tweedy es la dueña de una granja en la que la mayoría de las aves se han resignado a llevar una vida corta e infeliz: viven mientras ponen huevos y, cuando dejan de hacerlo, acaban en la mesa como comida de los domingos. Pero las cosas empiezan a cambiar con la llegada de Rocky, un gallo norteamericano, que mantiene un romance con Ginger, una gallina muy combativa que ha organizado innumerables intentos de fuga para alcanzar una vida mejor.