Brigitte Schmouker


A Saturday on Earth
Script Supervisor
A series of seemingly unconnected events and 50 important speaking parts make this film a jigsaw puzzle to be solved by the viewer. Martin and Claire were separated in childhood, and are brought together by a series of coincidences. A tragic car crash is central to the story, but seemingly unimportant events can hold great significance. Through a montage of different film stock and techniques director Diane Bertrand creates pieces of a puzzle, from which the viewer has to piece together a story. That's the premise of the film, and it is solvable. You just have to work a bit...
The Discreet
Script Supervisor
There is an author who has been dumped by his girlfriend and has no inspiration for a next novel. In an attempt to find a solution to both crises, he, along with his publisher friend, decides to seduce a young woman with the singular purpose of keeping a diary of the seduction and then dump her before publishing the book about it. Unfortunately he falls in love with her.
Les Sièges de l'Alcazar
El lugar es París en 1955. Guy es un crítico de cine de la revista "Cahiers du Cinéma", y un fanático del director italiano Vittorio Cottafavi, a quien considera muy superior a Michelangelo Antonioni. El lugar que frecuenta para ver películas es el Alcazar, un cine de barrio de París que pertenece a una pareja mayor con poco interés en el cine, y mucho interés en el dinero. Un día, el Alcazar recibe una visita inesperada: Es Jeanne, crítica de cine de la revista rival "Positif" ("Cahiers" y "Positif" eran en realidad las revistas de cine más importantes de la época), que - para disgusto de Guy - es una gran fan de Antonioni. Discuten acaloradamente por las películas, pero de alguna manera él se siente intrigado y atraído por ella...