Nika Belianina


The Robbery
Two gangs of gunmen simultaneously rob the same convenience store, and awkwardness ensues when one of them recognizes his ex-partner on the opposite side.
On Set Props
Tasya Vos es una agente de una organización secreta que utiliza implantes cerebrales para controlar el movimiento corporal de otras personas, obligándolas a cometer asesinatos que benefician a toda clase de peces gordos del mundo corporativo. Un día, durante una misión rutinaria, algo sale mal. La agente Vos se ve atrapada dentro de la mente de uno de los sujetos que trataba de controlar, cuyo apetito por la violencia se acaba convirtiendo en su peor aliado, superando incluso el suyo propio.
The River of the Kukamas
The River of the Kukamas
The River of the Kukamas
The River of the Kukamas
The Red Hood
A dark re-telling of the classic fable 'Little Red Riding Hood' set in the Canadian prairies during the Great Depression.
Lilith, a cat-rescuing entrepreneur, and Athena, a genetic engineer, are desperately trying to have a baby together. Their attempts to conceive with the help of science have failed, so Lilith takes matters into her own hands, and uses her unique skill set to steal some very special sperm. That task turns out to be an easy one compared to convincing Athena it's a good idea!
El río de los Kukamas
Retrato de una comunidad kukama en la selva amazónica.