Original Music Composer
La sheriff Meredith Hendricks investiga un caso de ataques de tiburones que tiene aterrorizados a los habitantes de la pequeña localidad de Lake Tahoe.
The Champagne Gang is an exciting action-packed drama about four beautiful California beach girls who pull heists to pay for luxury items and surfing vacations to Mexico and Hawaii.
A group of people decide to be a part of a reality television show based around a treasure hunt on an island. Whichever contestant is lucky wins the ultimate prize. Unbeknownst to the contestants, an ancient curse from the ghostly pirate Red Beard exists on the island. They unwittingly unleash the curse which results in a bloodbath.
The Voodoo Dogs terrorize the hood. Performing weird rituals, slaughtering their victims. A cop returns from the dead, taking horrific revenge. Murder and mayhem in the city. Who will survive this urban madness?
Taylor goes up in court against David, a top bachelor and attorney. But when her assistant gets seduced how far is she willing to go in this sexy court case?
Two families, two homes and too many secrets. The Hendersons are a textbook dysfunctional family: Jason is a money-hungry philanderer; Amanda is an inattentive alcoholic. And both are eagerly consuming whatever sordid sexual opportunities cross their paths. Then there's the kids: Suzanne is a fashion-model while Neal is halfheartedly following his father into a legal career. When the next-door neighbors - a sexy widow and her prudish daughter - arrive, it's only a matter of time before the curtain falls on this charade.
Sydnee Steele plays a local news commentator known for a short editorial at the end of each broadcast. She has paid her dues, and is so good that she is about ready to sign a network deal. The newscaster has hired a new agent to find her the best network deal, and has even slept with the female agent to add some incentive, but she has a small kink that might spoil her plans. She tapes all her sex acts.
Shannon Tweed, antigua chica PlayBoy encarna a la protagonista de esta película, la atractiva detective Kate McBain. McBain sigue la pista de un criminal en serie que ha asesinado brutalmente a cuatro de las prostitutas más sensuales y con más clase de los Ángeles. Entre garitos de strip-tease y mansiones de Beverly Hills, la detective queda atrapada en una peligrosa red de intriga, seducción y asesinato al conocer a un hombre muy misterioso que podría ser el asesino.
Cherry decides to hide in Las Vegas after robbing her mafia boss employer. Now, bandits have to deliver him back to LA.
The story of a Hollywood star who, tired of his lifestyle, one night encounters his doppelganger leading to a role switch so the star can slip away for some alone time leaving the double to indulge in his fantasies.
A writer for a pop culture magazine needs to come up with a "killer" story about online dating to save her job. After catching her shackup partner in bed with a bimbo from the marina she is a candidate for a new relationship. Her office buddies convince her to post her own .jpg and get into the cyberdating game. So, will she find a fulfilling relationship via email or could her true love be right under her nose?
A documentarian sets about to expose the objectification of sex workers at a brothel, only to find her own sexual desires awakening.
Original Music Composer
The film follows randy college boys Zack and Brian on a trip to Malibu for a party where there's a shortage of boys but a bevy of buxom girls. Beset on the way by car trouble, and various other distractions, the film also follows the journey of Zack and Brian's girlfriends, who follow the boys to Malibu but end up having their own lusty adventures.
Lauren is a young woman who takes to conducting interviews with a handful of amorous experiencers as a means of compiling stories for a research paper she's writing about a mysterious force that a number of sexually active people have been recently describing to her as entering them and working upon them like some kind of aphrodisiac.
Original Music Composer
Tras un largo y dorado letargo, el Leprechaun es devuelto a la vida por unos raperos torpes que quieren un trampolín para su carrera musical. Cuando Butch, Postmaster P y Stray Bullet saquean el estudio del rey local del hip-hop para financiar su maqueta, los tres dan sin querer con el secreto del éxito de Mack Daddy: una flauta mágica. Sus conciertos se convierten en oro instantáneamente pero un Leprechaun sediento de sangre y un airado Mack Daddy van tras ellos, dejando una estela de destrucción salpicada de rimas políticamente incorrectas...
Associate Producer
A streetwise young man leaves his sordid past behind, moving from New York to the Los Angeles suburbs to start a simple, honest life. When he meets a small-time drug dealer with insatiable ambition, his past returns to haunt him.
A streetwise young man leaves his sordid past behind, moving from New York to the Los Angeles suburbs to start a simple, honest life. When he meets a small-time drug dealer with insatiable ambition, his past returns to haunt him.
Beverly and Claire are two sisters who try to push through their parents' farm with the help of her husband, her boyfriend and a cowboy
Vampires Galen and Miranda have just moved to Los Angeles. Galen wants to lay low and get his blood from a nearby blood bank while Miranda likes hers fresh, young, and virile. When Galen notices dancer Jennifer in the apartment next door, he falls in love and sets out to pursue her. Miranda becomes jealous and seduces Jennifer, too, while Jennifer's cop boyfriend Ryan senses that she is becoming too friendly with Galen and Miranda. Meanwhile, Ryan and Detective Turner have their hands full trying to figure out why bloodless bodies keep turning up with two puncture wounds on the neck.
Music Supervisor
Torri is a prostitute who has risen to the highest ranks of her profession -- she's beautiful, sophisticated, charming, and charges high rates that her wealthy clients are happy to pay. In fact, Torri's renown is such that a documentary filmmaker has decided to make a movie about her life and work.
Torri is a prostitute who has risen to the highest ranks of her profession -- she's beautiful, sophisticated, charming, and charges high rates that her wealthy clients are happy to pay. In fact, Torri's renown is such that a documentary filmmaker has decided to make a movie about her life and work.
Un músico de la calle se unen, cierre de todo, pero su música, comienza a trabajar con un compositor solitario que utiliza metáforas sensuales como herramientas de enseñanza. Farced con la posibilidad de recuperar su vista teme que perderá su inspiración musical.
Johnny Mook, a small-time hood, lands himself in hot water when he seduces the beautiful girlfriend of the ruthless gangster with whom he's just pulled off a diamond heist.
Music Supervisor
Arriving in LA, Joe befriends an actress who moonlights as a sex worker in an exclusive club. Promises of fame and fortune cloud their judgement as manipulative people try to tear them apart.
When Danielle decides to do a story on the life of a sex worker to please her boss and lover Peter, she meets Gage a professional gigolo. She quickly becomes interested in his work and starts to see a change in herself and her life.
Original Music Composer
Kim is suffering from writer's block. A chance encounter with a handsome stranger opens her to a world of risky sexual experimentation. However, she becomes worried when he refuses to say anything about himself.
A wealthy yuppy couple find that their lives are being invaded by another, intrusive couple who are out to rip them off and terrorize them.
Music Supervisor
A couple try to save their marriage, while their houseguest discovers her sexuality.
Original Music Composer
En este drama erótico, un grupo de personas se reúne en una mansión aislada para escuchar la lectura de la voluntad de un hombre rico. Los huéspedes reunidos tienen que pasar la noche y enterarse de su herencia al día siguiente, pero mientras la noche continúa, a muchos de los huéspedes les resulta imposible reducir su apetito sexual. Lo que no saben es que sus actividades en el dormitorio están siendo observadas, y que hay más en esta reunión de lo que han sido llevados a creer
In this erotic mystery, an incredibly handsome photographer and his beautiful supermodel are on the roof of the photographer's building having sex, where an intruder murders them. The police assign Detective, Jessica Brody, to the case, but when she becomes sexually involved with the prime suspect, the photographer's identical twin brother, she risks becoming another victim in a series of murders.
Charlie is an artist in a slump. He is constantly harassed by his "step-father-in-law," Bob Masters, about his having shot a burglar in the recent past. When Charlie and Jennifer decide to take in Tina as a boarder she turns out to be a model ready and willing to pose for Charlie.
Un grupo de chicas estudiantes de una escuela católica encuentran por casualidad un misterioso libro en el que se describen extraños rituales y conjuros realizados hace cien años por unas jóvenes autodenomindas “las iluminadas”. Sin pensar en las consecuencias se deciden a practicar el mismo ritual.
Shea Farrell is a B movie producer having trouble getting funding for his latest project. His wife, Leslie Kay, owns an art gallery. Shea would be lost without his assistant, Julie Hughes, and her boyfriend works for Leslie Kay. Shea Farrell and Leslie Kay role play to spice up their sex. Two plain clothes detectives are watching Shea and Leslie. Leslie Kay informs hubby that she is tiring of the games, and would like to have sex as themselves for a change. Then he starts getting gifts from Madame X, whom he assumes is his wife. We slowly realize that he is being set up big-time.
A struggling actress contemplates becoming a nude centerfold hoping that it will jump-start her career, but begins to have second thoughts when she meets some of the people who run the business.
Original Music Composer
Kung Wei es un agente encubierto de la policía china por lo que no puede hablar a su esposa de su trabajo ni asistir a las competiciones de kung fu en las que participa su hijo Johnny. En su nueva misión, Kung se infiltra en una tríada de Hong Kong bajo el mando de Po Kwong, un psicópata criminal. Sin embargo todo se complica cuando se descubre que es policía y raptan a su hijo por lo que Kung Wei y Johnny tendrán que unir su habilidad y destreza en las artes marciales para poder sobrevivir.
Original Music Composer
Un hombre de negocios corrupto comete un asesinato y el único testigo es la novia de otro hombre de negocios con conexiones cercanas con el gobierno chino, por lo que se envía un guardaespaldas de Beijing para ayudar a dos policías de Hong Kong a proteger al testigo.
Travis arrives like a hot wind on a steamy summer night, he's a mystery man who sings his passion at the local road house. The stakes are rising and someone is bound to lose. It's an erotic game of cat and mouse, that will keep you guessing until the final, sizzling scene.
El campeón mundial de Kickboxin Jerry "Golden Boy" Trimble es un marine americano condenado por un crimen que no cometió. Tras los barrotes, descubre la prisión más cruel del planeta. Un mundo donde los hombres son juzgados por su capacidad de luchar, de atacar ... de matar.
En un infierno de violencia y corrupción Jerry luchará por no romper con su filosofía no violenta, hasta que la muerte de un amigo le hará enfrentarse a todos y a todo con la única arma en su poder: sus puños.
Hong Kong, finales del Siglo XIX. El Mar de China está infestado de traficantes de la peor calaña entre los que destacan el temible Lo San Pao y su banda de piratas. Lo San Pao actúa con total impunidad ante la pasividad del gobierno y la impotencia de una Guardia Costera que ha acabado por bajar los brazos ante su oleada criminal. Tan sólo Dragon Ma, un joven oficial naval, se niega a rendirse y osa plantar cara a Lo San Pao para devolver el honor al cuerpo de guardacostas. Frustrado con la incompetencia de la policía local y traicionado por uno de los suyos, Dragon Ma se verá obligado a unir sus fuerzas con el granuja ladrón Fei y el disciplinado inspector de policía Tsu en una cruzada personal para acabar con los piratas.