Sigue los pasos de dos hermanos totalmente opuestos pero que, aún así, decidirán abrir un bar juntos que pronto se convertirá en el nido en que caerán los pájaros perdidos de la noche. A pesar del éxito, los dos hermanos deberán enfrentarse a las dificultades que comporta llevar un negocio en familia. Su fraternidad se transforma, a su pesar, en rivalidad. (FILMAFFINITY)
1985. Georges is a born market vendor. As a driven salesman he sells anything, anytime, to anyone. When he hears that the Pope is coming to Belgium, he smells his chance. In addition to the grounds, where tens of thousands of believers will attend an open-air mass, Café Derby is for rent. Georges is sure to earn a small fortune. But his wife and five children are not convinced. It would be another move in too short a time. But as George puts his mind to something...