Gil Toren


Tormenta de arena
Sound Designer
Es mediodía en un pueblo beduino del desierto al sur de Israel. Jalila acoge una extraña celebración, el matrimonio de su marido con su segunda y jovencísima mujer. Su hija Layla está preocupada por otro asunto. Su romance secreto y totalmente prohibido con Anuar acaba de ser descubierto por su madre. Jalila cree que el mundo es despiadado y cruel y la única forma de ganar es mantenerse callada, caminar con la cabeza alta y luchar desde dentro contra los límites del mundo tradicional que la rodean. Layla cree que no hay límites al mundo que la rodea. Sin embargo, cada una de ellas fracasa en su lucha personal y ambas terminarán por entender que, si desean sobrevivir, tendrán que empezar a ver el mundo a través de los ojos de la otra.
Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me
Sound Designer
Muhammad, a rejected boy from the fringe of society, floats through the streets of a filthy city, exposed and desolated, until he meets Gurevich; a lone rover who rides his motorcycle into the bowels of the city, through the shadows of the back alleys, sharpening the knives of butcher shops and gourmet restaurants. Stubborn and tenacious, the boy forces his way under the man's wing. Within this hypnotic urban hell, what starts as an unstable and hesitant apprenticeship evolves into a struggle for self-control.
Sound Designer
A group of friends in a Tel Aviv suburb get together to watch Universong, a Eurovision-like television song contest. They gather to watch and are depressed by the lifelessness of the Israeli entry, a parody of many recent offerings, a flashy, grating song about "amour." Realizing that Anat is distraught over the crisis in her marriage, they decide to compose a song to cheer her up. As a lark, they enters their cellphone video of it in next year's contest, and it becomes Israel's entry.
Good Morning, My Angel!
Sound Director
Not looking that a film is told about personal human fortunes here in the foreground there are the most noble raised human lines.