Gerhard van der Heever


El asedio de Silverton
Special Effects Coordinator
Tras una misión de sabotaje fallida, un trío de rebeldes contra el apartheid se ve envuelto en una tensa situación con rehenes en un banco.
Special Effects Coordinator
Amandla is an anti-apartheid resistance slogan and means power. Apartheid in South Africa is still in full force when, in 1987, the two brothers Impi and Nkosana grew up on a farm as the sons of servants. The white owners are liberal people who aren't too particular about racial segregation. Black Africans have it relatively good there. Even a tender love bond develops between Impi and the blond daughter Elizabeth. But they have to be on their guard when neighboring farmers come to visit. When three racist upstart Boers arrive on the farm one day, tragic incidents occur with terrible consequences. The two Zulu boys are now on their own. Several years after surviving this childhood tragedy, the now grown brothers each find themselves on the opposing sides of the law. One is a gangster, the other is a police officer. A heinous gang crime tests their loyalty to one another.
La mercenaria
Special Effects Supervisor
Rogue es la historia de una pequeña unidad mercenaria de soldados que han sido contratados por el gobernador de un país africano para rescatar a su hija que ha sido secuestrada por una organización terrorista.
Special Effects Coordinator
La historia de la última resistencia de la humanidad contra una invasión alienígena cataclísmica. En el campo africano devastado por la guerra, un soldado estadounidense y un trabajador de ayuda exterior francés se unen para sobrevivir al ataque alienígena. Su vínculo será probado mientras buscan refugio en un mundo que se desmorona.
Your Romeo
Yvette has dreamed of performing Romeo and Juliet since starting high school. Now, in her final year, the headmaster has decided to use the school's entire arts and culture budget to fund a T20 event. In a last ditch effort to put on the play, they ask the school's cricket hero, Marko Marais, to play the role of Romeo.
204: Getting Away with Murder
Special Effects
The shocking story behind the murder of Brett Kebble. "204" means a full and permanent indemnity from prosecution in exchange for truthful testimony. Brett Kebble was a charismatic South African businessman whose meteoric rise to fame and fortune in the mining world was followed by a startling fall from grace. His life ultimately ended in a hail of bullets on a road in northern Johannesburg in 2005. But the story behind his death is so bizarre that it could come straight out of a mystery thriller. In this documentary, the three self-confessed killers, as well as Jackie Selebi, Glen Agliotti, Piet Byleveld, and the Kebble family, are interviewed, exploring a fascinating tale of greed, corruption, fraud, and murder. Exclusive first-hand accounts of the murder are included, and the belly of South Africa's dark underworld is revealed.
iNumber Number
Special Effects
When Chili Ncgobo, an honest but ambitious undercover cop, is cheated out of a major reward by his corrupt superiors, he infiltrates a cash-in-transit heist gang, and instead of busting them, he decides to participate in a one off score. He must face off against his partner who refuses to let him do it and one of the gang members who recognizes him as a cop.
iNumber Number
Special Effects Supervisor
When Chili Ncgobo, an honest but ambitious undercover cop, is cheated out of a major reward by his corrupt superiors, he infiltrates a cash-in-transit heist gang, and instead of busting them, he decides to participate in a one off score. He must face off against his partner who refuses to let him do it and one of the gang members who recognizes him as a cop.
The Children's Republic
Special Effects
In a war-torn African country, a small group of young people, led by Mão-de-Ferro, a traumatized and violent war child, arrive in a mysterious city where children, abandoned by adults, have created their own utopian republic.
Sniper: Al límite
Special Effects Supervisor
Mientras trabaja con las fuerzas especiales de la ONU en la República Democrática del Congo, el sargento de la Marina Brandon Beckett, recibe órdenes para rescatar a un agricultor atrapado en mitad de territorio hostil. Cuando él y sus hombres llegan a la granja, un francotirador les tiende una emboscada, hiriendo a Beckett y matando a todos los demás. Con la ayuda del antiguo protegido de su padre, el instructor de francotiradores Richard Miller, Beckett deberá aprender a pensar como un francotirador para localizar al asesino antes de que vuelva para acabar el trabajo.
Life, Above All
Special Effects Coordinator
A touching mother-daughter relationship that reflects the modern South Africa.
Dhoom 2
Special Effects Coordinator
Jai and Ali return, this time on the trail of an international thief who steals priceless artifacts and has chosen Mumbai as his next target.