Toshikazu Watanabe


The Silent Gun
Sound Recordist
A series of murders has been committed by someone with a new model gun, a Mord-Gessel X 38. Indeed, Daisuke himself is almost killed while investigating the case. This occurred while he was with Ritsuko, daughter of a company president. Detective Kimura thinks that the president himself, returned to Japan after an absence of fifteen years, might be the killer, or at least the man who supplied the gun. Ritsuko's father limps and though she explains this as the result of a traffic accident, Kimura remembers a narcotics smuggler named Suginami who shot himself in the ankle and then escaped from the hospital. He believes that the company president and the drug peddler are the same.
Amor para un idiota
Sound Recordist
Basado en una novela de Junichiro Tanizaki. Comedia sobre un oficinista puritano que se ve inmerso en una relación en plena década de los 60 con una joven amante con una inclinación por el baile y romance.
Two Wives
Sound Recordist
After a random encounter at a bar, two couples collide. Two men, two women, embroiled in a love-and-hate drama that threatens to engulf them. The sexual anxiety between the interwoven couples tautens right up to the nearly unbearable tension of the climax...
La escuela de espías de Nakano
Sound Recordist
En el Japón de los años cuarenta, un grupo de universitarios con brillantes calificaciones son elegidos para romper todo vínculo con su vida anterior y formar el servicio de espionaje japonés.
Black report (El informe negro)
Sound Recordist
El presidente de la compañía alimenticia Fujiyama Foods ha sido asesinado en su domicilio pero el motivo no es nada esclarecedor. El investigador Akira Kido deberá desentrañar la verdad, sin embargo se cruzará cada vez con más sospechosos que se acusan entre ellos y una complicada conspiración.
A Woman's Life
Sound Recordist
One of many adaptations of "Onna no isshō", this time by Yasuzo Masumura as a starring vehicle for famed actress Machiko Kyo.
Black test car
Sound Recordist
Dos fabricantes de automóviles se espían entre sí para tratar de averiguar los detalles y los precios de un nuevo automóvil deportivo que cada uno está a punto de lanzar. ¿Si es por el bien de la compañía y de nuestro coche, no hay nada malo en engañar, estafar, matar, o hacer cuanto queramos? ¿Quieres decir que deberíamos quedarnos de brazos cruzados y dejar que la compañía se arruine? ¿Qué es una compañía? ¿Qué es un secreto? ¿Son más importantes que las personas?
Night Mist Makes Women Cry
Sound Recordist
A love melodrama.
Love and Life
Sound Recordist
Contemporary musical drama film by Yasuzo Masumura.
The False Student
Sound Recordist
A youth drama set in a Japanese university which is home to a group of active, leftist students.
The Cast-Off
Sound Recordist
The inventor of a ground-breaking glue, Sanada, becomes rich thanks to his discovery a high executive in his company. Because of this promotion, his world is changing completely : his wife behaves like never before, considering she's now rich and has the right to do whatever she wants, even having an affair. (Also occasionally known in English as “Overflow”)
The Lowest Man
Sound Recordist
A young offender who is already guilty of many crimes is sentenced again for rape. Upon his release from prison, a year later, the victim waits to kill him.
Gigantes y juguetes
Sound Recordist
Nishi es un ejecutivo de publicidad de una empresa de caramelos que planea lanzar un nuevo producto, en feroz competencia con otras dos empresas.
Advance Patrol
Sound Recordist
In 1905, Japan was seriously threatened in the Russo-Japanese War. Japan determined a decisive attack on Russia to end the war. A reconnaissance troop was organized to penetrate into the supreme headquarter of Russia in Tieling Mountain of China to find out the enemy's situation...