Consulting Producer
Corea, 1950. En una oscura y fría noche en medio de la guerra coreana, el general Süleyman encuentra a una niña sola y abandonada en pleno campo de batalla. Conmovido por la ternura de la pequeña, el general decidirá salvarla y acogerla en su base militar turca. La adoptará como si fuera su propia hija y la llamará Ayla. Poco a poco se creará una unión difícil de romper entre ambos. Sin embargo, al acabar la guerra, la brigada turca deberá volver a su país, aunque Süleyman no se ve capaz de abandonar a esa niña. Drama bélico basado en hechos reales que dirige Can Ulkay (Sarikamis Cocuklari) y que protagonizan İsmail Hacıoğlu, Çetin Tekindor, Damla Sönmez y Ali Atay.
Sexual violence against women has accompanied almost every large-scale conflict, yet most of its victims are silenced. One such sad episode is that of the "comfort women," or more accurately, the estimated 200,000 women who were recruited to sexually serve the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II. As part of this immense system, many young women from all over Japan's occupied territories in Asia were forced into service where they faced rape, torture and extreme violence at military camps, euphemistically termed "comfort stations.'
Sexual violence against women has accompanied almost every large-scale conflict, yet most of its victims are silenced. One such sad episode is that of the "comfort women," or more accurately, the estimated 200,000 women who were recruited to sexually serve the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II. As part of this immense system, many young women from all over Japan's occupied territories in Asia were forced into service where they faced rape, torture and extreme violence at military camps, euphemistically termed "comfort stations.'