Sound Recordist
Una poderosa exposición sobre los programas de conversión gay, que revela el daño infligido por la vergüenza y la represión a través de testimonios íntimos de miembros actuales y ex líderes del movimiento reza por el alejamiento gay.
Can the vow that doctors take to “do no harm” permit taking part in capital punishment? This week, the New York Times Op-Docs brings you “Death Row Doctor,” about Dr. Carlo Musso and his assistance with executions in Georgia. Directed by Lauren Knapp, the film challenges us to answer the question of whether having a doctor in the execution chamber is a perversion of medicine … or a common-sense act of mercy.
A doctor walks the line of his own morality as he participates in executions, while personally opposing capital punishment.
LIVE FROM UB is the story of how urban Mongolians have used rock music to overcome the powers of soviet-style socialism, Orientalism, and globalization for the past three decades. Through their music, the rockers of Ulaanbaatar (UB) are articulating their own understanding of what it means to be an urban Mongolian in a quickly modernizing city. Ultimately, this is an optimistic tale that will lift the spirits of those who fear globalization means a homogenized world.
A subsidized senior apartment complex provides the backdrop for a meditation on aging, solitude, nostalgia, and femininity.