Charles E. Kaufman


Bashful Whirlwind
Director of Photography
Bob Evans is the bashful foreman of the Denton ranch. He reads books and dreams of being a hero. He gets his chance when Gladys overhears Walling planning to smuggle stolen diamonds across the border. Finding Gladys' note, he sets out after Walling.
El carrusel de la vida (Los amores de un príncipe)
Director of Photography
En la Viena de los albores de la Gran Guerra el último de los Von Hohenegg, el Conde Franz Maximilian, cae rendidamente enamorado de la humilde organillera de la feria del Prater, la cual trabaja para el brutal Huber, que también la pretende. Haciéndose pasar por un vendedor de ropa la seduce pero el Emperador ha decretado ya su inminente matrimonio con la Condesa Gisella Von Steinbruck y Franz no puede negarse, rompiéndole así el corazón a la bella Agnes. Finalmente llega la Guerra y en las trincheras el Conde se encontrará con Sylvester Urban, padre de Agnes y payaso del circo, quien lo maldecirá en su lecho de muerte, causándole una enorme impresión que a punto estará de costarle su propia vida.
Todd of the Times
Director of Photography
A Branded Soul
Conchita Cordova sings in the cathedral choir in her village of San Miguelito near the Rio Grande. Millionaire oil man John Rannie, whose oil fields have displaced the peasants, desires Conchita, and when he learns that her fiance, Juan Mendoza, has been employed by Adolf Wylie, a German spy, Rannie threatens to expose Juan unless Conchita gives herself to him.
The Bride of Hate
Director of Photography
Dr. Dudley Duprez is a well-known Louisiana physician. His beautiful but wayward niece, Rose Duprez, is abducted by Paul Crenshaw, a friend of the doctor, and to prevent her shame from becoming known, Rose kills herself. Dr. Duprez learns her secret and determines to make Crenshaw expiate his crime. While traveling on a Mississippi River steamer, the doctor wins Mercedes, a beautiful slave, at cards. He takes her home and, passing her off as a distant relative, arranges it so that Crenshaw falls in love with the girl.
Director of Photography
Count Ferdinand, a submarine commander and secret pacifist refuses to torpedo a defenseless passenger ship during wartime. His submarine is sunk in the following fracas. In the spirit world, Christ commends the captain, and returns to earth in the commander's body to promote His message of peace.
Civilization's Child
Director of Photography
After an idyllic mountain life in Russia, Berna goes to live with her uncle in the Jewish section of Kiev, arriving just as Cossacks massacre most of the Jews in the city. Berna escapes to New York and works at a sweatshop controlled by Boss Jim McManus, but he seduces her, then throws her out on the street, and she becomes a prostitute. Berna later marries Nicolay Turgenev, a young musician,