Yoo Soon-chul

Yoo Soon-chul

Nacimiento : , South Korea


Yoo Soon-chul


Cafe Owner
A struggling filmmaker finds unexpected solidarity and validation when she takes on the job of restoring a classic 1960s film directed by the first known female South Korean director.
Late Bloomer
Late Bloomer is the pastoral romance of an eternal recurrence. Director's talent to plea for love without any dialogue would touch the hearts of audiences. The old man's day out which at first seemed like the ordinary visit of his family's graves turns out to be the poem about the everlasting love. Actor Yoo Soon-cheol wrote this poem with his old and stoop-shouldered body.
A hospital caregiver tries to stop an unidentified female ER patient, in a brain dead state and pregnant, from becoming a heart donor for a VIP patient.
Todo comienza como si se tratara de un relato de espías. Un hombre se dedica a cruzar la frontera entre las dos Coreas, llevando consigo cualquier cosa que le pidan transportar. Todo comienza a oler a melodrama cuando uno de los encargos es que lleve a una mujer, la novia de un alto cargo norcoreano. A camino entre Seúl y Piongyan, la película se sitúa también entre las persecución de los espías norcoreanos y el drama propio de aquellos que están huyendo.
Grandfather with Dementia
Hae-Won es una mujer de 30 años que trabaja en un banco de la ciudad de Seúl, llevando una vida muy ocupada. Un día todo se tuerce cuando es testigo de un intento de asesinato, y al mismo tiempo, las cosas en el trabajo se le complican, viéndose obligada a tomarse unas vacaciones para desconectar. Hae-Won se dirigirá a Moodo, una pequeña isla donde vivía con sus abuelos de pequeña. Allí también vive una chica llamada Kim Bok-Nam, amiga de la infancia. Cuando llega a la isla, Hae-Won se sorprende de ver cómo todos tratan a Bok-Nam como a una esclava, la única mujer joven del lugar y el único juguete para los hombres de la isla. Maltrecha por todos los abusos, Bok-Nam ha intentado huir de la isla varias veces sin éxito, y ahora, pide a Hae-Won que la ayude a escapar de allí, aunque ésta prefiere no involucrarse en la difícil situación de su amiga.
My Mighty Princess
Warrior Leader
So-hwi is a martial arts prodigy and college student. Realizing that her superhuman strength is holding back her love life, she decides to quit martial arts to pursue handsome hockey player Joon-mo. But Joon-mo is in love with an older woman, and when So-hwi's mystical martial arts community comes under threat from an old enemy, Heuk-bong, her childhood friend Il-yeong must persuade her to return.
With a Girl of Black Soil
Mr. Kim
A small village in the Kanwondo region, a 9 year old girl, her brother Tong-gu - who is mentally handicapped - and their father Hyegon. Hyegon has an accident in the mines, loses his job and receives no compensation. It becomes increasingly difficult to hold onto hope, to find another job and to cope with his children. Nine-year-old Yeong-lim (Yu) has a slightly older brother, Dong-gu (Park Hyeon-woo), who's mentally handicapped, and a father, Hye-geon (Jo Yung-jin), who's lost his job in the mines and received no compensation. Add to that the family's simple home is skedded for demolition and neighbors are moving away. While dad sits around drinking and looking depressed, Yeong-lim tries to keep the family going by stealing food and arranging for Dong-gu to attend a specialist school. But her solution for her father's health problems has deadly consequences.
Old Heuk-woon (uncredited)
Sang-hwan es un policía humilde que patrulla por las calles. Es patoso, con tendencia a su-frir más accidentes y tropiezos que el resto de compañeros. No se cree que tenga ningún poder especial, pero cuando se hace amigo de un grupo de cinco ancianos éstos se dan cuenta de su potencial y lo reclutan para formarlo y que pueda salvar el equilibrio del mundo frente al diablo. Esto se produce en el mejor momento posible ya que un viejo villano se ha despertado de una larga, larga hibernación con el objetivo de buscar la clave hacia el máximo nirvana y así extender su poder sobre el mundo entero.
Spy Girl
Elderly spy
Go-bong se enamora de Hyo Jin a primera vista, quien empezo a trabajar en un restaurante de comida rápida. Él llega a subir una foto de Hyo jin en las redes sociales haciéndo de ella una celebridad local. Sin embargo, poco a poco de da cuenta de que su aspirante a novia es en realidad una espia de Corea del Norte que esta tratando de mantener un perfil bajo para asi poder atrapar a un traidor.
Greatest Expectations
Chairman Hwang
Chang-sik lives strictly by the freeloader's handbook, doing the rounds of free samples in department store food sections and sponging off of his older brother. Mi-young nurtures grandiose dreams of becoming a TV actress but has failed every audition because she just can't act. The two unemployed with similar schedules and living in the same neighborhood are bound to run into each other, and they do. One day, Chang-sik and Mi-young are walking around distractedly when they end up in a head-on collision. Chang-sik's coins spill out from his hands and scatter all over the ground. His precious coins! He chases after every single one but ends up 10 cents short. He viciously turns to the Mi-young but she refuses to give him 10 cents...
Choi Yong-Sam
Park Tae-ho Jung Woong-In is running an underground organization, which specializes in the smuggling of jewellery. In order to bust the crime ring, the police assigns an undercover agent to join the group who discovers evidence for the alleged illegal proceedings of the gang. Tae-ho who does not want to get caught, hides the jewellery, which is worth 3 billion won in display objects and plans to transport everything out of Korea. Therefore, the police launches a mission called 2424 (which means movement in Korean) under the supervision of Choi Doo-chil Jeon Kwang-Leol to solve the case. However, both the police and the mob lose track of the precious jewels during the course of transport; thus a dramatic search on both sides ensues
Take Care of My Cat
Fresh Grandfather
Take Care of my Cat cuenta la historia de 5 amigas que cuando dejan el instituto se distancian. Siguen quedando de vez en cuando, pero se dan cuenta de que sus vidas no van paralelas, y cada una tiene su historia...
My Sassy Girl
Old man (uncredited)
Gyeon-woo es un estudiante coreano que no esta muy seguro de lo que quiere hacer en el futuro. Una noche, de regreso a casa, conoce a una preciosa chica pero que esta completamente bebida. Como la chica se dirigió a él antes de caer inconsciente, la gente que los rodea cree que son novios. No le queda más remedio que ayudar a la chica, por lo que decide dejarla a un motel, ya que no sabe donde vive. A la mañana siguiente, Gyeon-woo recibe una llamada de la misteriosa chica que esta muy enfadada con él y quiere saber que ocurrió la pasada noche. Así se conocen y desde entonces Gyeon-woo y la chica se convierten en buenos amigos, pero de una forma extraña.
A Promise
Chae Pil-Soo
When she met him at the first time, he was a wounded person. However, she saw him through his clear eyes hidden in the bandage. She, Chae Hi-Ju, is a doctor and he, Kong Sang-Du, is a boss of a bandit. The pair seemed not to love each other in terms of their position, but they were closed to each other giving up their own world. However, he was not a common man...
A Petal
A young girl is caught up in the 1980 Gwangju massacre, where Korean soldiers killed hundreds, if not thousands, of protesters who opposed the country's takeover by the military the year before. Flashbacks show the girl seeing her mother shot to death in the massacre. The film spurred the Korean public to demand the truth behind the incident, and their government eventually opened previously classified files on the massacre.
A Single Spark
Young-soo's Father
La voz de un intelectual llamado Kim Yong-su rememora los oscuros años de la dictadura de Park Cheng-hee y el tiempo que pasó escribiendo un libro sobre la vida de un líder sindicalista que se autoinmoló en defensa de sus ideas en 1970.