Director of Photography
A groundbreaking film examining the challenges people with endometriosis are facing. There is no known cure for this disease and often patients undergo several surgeries in hope of some relief.
Additional Camera
Sigue la vida de la artista Nan Goldin y su activismo contra la dinastía farmacéutica de los Sackler, responsables de la mayor epidemia de opioides de la historia de Estados Unidos.
Director of Photography
Three people are up for the same job. Their lives are turning inside out under the pressure. And someone is watching the whole thing. More than one person, in fact. And someone else is watching them watch. A sorrowful and comedic examination of our fall into the surveillance culture.
Director of Photography
Hana está buscando tranquilidad mental y física después de haber pasado un periodo muy estresante trabajando en un hospital en Ramtha, en la frontera entre Jordania y Siria, donde trataba a las víctimas de la guerra de Siria. Encuentra algo de paz en Luxor (Egipto), donde vivió cuando tenía 20 años y fue pareja de un atractivo arqueólogo llamado Sultan, que en aquel entonces también estudiaba allí. En este nostálgico viaje en solitario trata de superar las emociones que ha dejado tras de sí la guerra. Cuando se vuelve a encontrar casualmente con Sultan, la química entre ambos resulta innegable.
After locking himself out of his apartment, an introverted, heartbroken editor finds himself on an epic journey up, down and around his block with life-altering ramifications.
Director of Photography
Tina y Karen fueron enemigas en la escuela de arte, pero sus caminos se separaron. Tina se convirtió en una exitosa artista conceptual y Karen sacrificó su carrera para ser esposa y madre. Cuando Karen —embarazada de ocho meses— y su marido viajan a Nueva York, Tina y su pareja les invitan a cenar. Las cosas se complican cuando Tina anuncia que su nuevo proyecto es que ella y su pareja van a ser padres a través de un vientre de alquiler.
Director of Photography
A dysfunctional family reunites after the son, Matt, is diagnosed with terminal cancer. Matt and his sister Kate make a pact. He agrees to give her his sperm for future use with a partner if she agrees to come out to the family that night.
Director of Photography
A Woodstock therapist has an innovative method to help her patients consisting on spying on them, which leads her to a surprising discovery about her own adoptive daughter.
In Watching You, Watching Me, we will have the opportunity to step inside someone else's skin, and to experience being looked at from their point of view. We'll see through their particular lens how people watch and react to them, and we will hear in their own words how the way people look at them makes them feel.
Director of Photography
Theo and Frances, an artsy downtown couple, are driving to a dinner party at their old friend Zoe's new house in a wealthy suburb of NYC. Lost and frustrated, they call Zoe's husband for directions. When the answering machine picks up, they're unknowingly recorded, making a series of unforgivable comments, criticizing their old friends and their various life choices. After an unexpectedly pleasant reunion over dinner, it quickly becomes a painful nightmare for all. A darkly comic take on the dual realities of friendship.
Director of Photography
A man attends the first public concert of a legendary New York band through cryptic messages written in his deli sandwiches.