Amanda Randolph

Nacimiento : 1896-09-02, Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Muerte : 1967-08-24


Duelo a muerte en Río Rojo
Sally (uncredited)
Dan Blaine (Glenn Ford), un antiguo pistolero convertido en sheriff, intenta mantener la paz en una ciudad en la que el joven pistolero Lot McGuire (Chad Everett) está causando problemas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Un gángster para un milagro
Annie's Neighbor (uncredited)
En la época de la Ley Seca (1920-1933), Dave es un contrabandista de alcohol que está a punto de cerrar un trato importante con un mafioso de Chicago. Como las manzanas de la mendiga Annie siempre le han dado suerte, envía a uno de sus hombres a buscarla para cerrar la operación. Pero Annie está completamente desesperada: su hija, a la que no ve desde hace muchos años, llega de Europa acompañada de su novio y de su suegro, unos aristócratas italianos, y Annie tendrá que convertirse en una gran dama para no defraudarla.
Mister Scoutmaster
Savannah, the Maid
Snobby TV star, Robert Jordan, worries that he is out of touch with the younger generation and that's why his TV show is failing. He becomes a Boy Scout leader in an effort to "get in touch." Overnight hikes and other adventures follow, all centered around one small boy who takes a liking to the old curmudgeon.
Bomba and the Jungle Girl
Bomba decides to find out who his parents were. He starts with Cody Casson's diary and follows the trail to a native village. An ancient blind woman tells him his parents and the village's true ruler were murdered by the current chieftain and his daughter.
She's Working Her Way Through College
Maybelle (uncredited)
La historia, narrada en clave de comedia, habla de un matrimonio en crisis: mientras él enseña en la universidad, en donde ponen el grito en el cielo por sus métodos de enseñanza, ella se encapricha de un jovenzuelo.
Un rayo de luz
Gladys (uncredited)
Tras atracar una gasolinera, dos criminales, heridos en el tiroteo, son atendidos por el doctor Brooks, el único médico negro del hospital de la ciudad. Cuando uno de ellos muere, el otro acusa al médico de haberlo matado y provoca una revuelta racista para vengarse de él
Una cabaña en el cielo
Churchgoer (uncredited)
Joe es un jugador profesional que se debate entre dos amores. En el suburbio en el que reside vive una bella mujer por la que se siente tentado. Mientras, su mujer sufre en silencio una existencia llena de desengaños.
The Notorious Elinor Lee
Mary's mother
Gangsters use a woman to get to a boxer and convince him to throw a big fight.
Lying Lips
A nightclub singer refuses to "date" customers, so she's framed for the murder of her aunt.
Liza Freeman
Ted Gregory is trying to be the first black producer to mount a show on Broadway, but he has trouble with his star singer.
The Black Network
Mezzanine Johnson
The owner of a shoe polish company sponsors a radio show that showcases black performers. Since his wife's father put up the money to be the sponsor, she insists on singing on the show. She goes on after the main star, singer Nina Mae McKinney. The wife sings so badly that the sponsor's customers abandon him. He is forced to shine shoes on street corners, while Nina Mae and her boyfriend win a bet on a daily number and end up on easy street.
Paul Revere, Jr.
Revere's Maid
A drunken fool by the name of Paul Revere Wilson (or Williams or something) drinks too much and imagines himself living in 1776.