Regine Hentschel

Regine Hentschel

Nacimiento : 1964-09-23, Berlin, Germany


Regine Hentschel


Das Leben ist sonnig und schön
Alina im Wunderland
Stenzels Bescherung
Dagmar Rubin
13 Uhr mittags
Janna Werner
Olaf Gabriel is the head of the department and at the same time the only employee of the police station in Hedly, a small northern German coastal town. He has quit his service and waits at the station for his successor. But instead of the replacement appears the young LKA official Gracia Keller, who wants to support him. Because on this day Simon Held is released from prison after six years. And he will surely come to avenge Olaf Gabriel, whom he considers to be his brother's murderer. He was killed in police custody after his joint bank robbery - and Olaf Gabriel had been on duty.
Hausbau mit Hindernissen
Mein Sohn, der Klugscheißer
Too Hard to Handle
It's no surprise when Karo is fired. She is loud, over-emotional and egocentric, more so than the average Berliner wise-ass, says her best friend Anna. Karo is not one to give up easily, though: she opts for radical change and goes into therapy. Although her therapist advises her to keep calm, Karo throws herself into it.
Besuch für Emma
Berlin, the vibrant life. Only cashier Emma feels really lonely. There is nothing wrong with her, she just goes underground in the big city. Her desire to meet people has brought Emma to a strange idea: she lets go in the supermarket purses of customers and later presents herself as a hospitable finder, who invites you to pick up at the laid table. Unfortunately, the visit remains short. Only the shrewd homeless August who sees through her starts to get interested in Emma.
Die Dienstagsfrauen - Zwischen Kraut und Rüben
For over 15 years, Eve, Estelle, Caroline, Kiki and Judith have been eating every first Tuesday of every month. But that's just the end: Kiki wants to turn an old village school into an idyllic bed and breakfast near a picturesque lake. But the dream threatens to become a nightmare. But even the girlfriends who come to the rescue, have their own problems. Eva is in a midlife crisis, the lawyer Caroline feels persecuted by a dangerous stalker pursued a controversial litigation; and the casual liverwoman Estelle is to be ousted from her company and foundation.
Al otro lado del muro
Krystynas Chefin
Empezar de cero, comenzar una vida nueva y dejar el pasado y la tristeza atrás. Eso pretendieron en los años setenta Nelly Senff (Jordis Triebel) y su hijo Alexei (Tristan Globel) cuando escaparon de Berlín Oriental para buscar un futuro en la Alemania del Oeste, supuestamente más hedonista y menos represiva.
Bienvenidos al campo
Rita y Leo son pareja desde hace 25 años, y ella quiere cumplir su anhelado deseo: una vida en el campo. El matrimonio se muda de Berlín a una aldea en Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
The Hairdresser
When a salon refuses to hire her because of her plump figure, irrepressible hair stylist Kathi plots revenge by opening her own beauty parlor next door. But when she faces a cash-flow problem, Kathi resorts to some creative means of raising capital.
El escritor
Diner Waitress
Un escritor (Ewan McGregor) acepta a regañadientes el encargo de terminar las memorias del antiguo primer ministro británico Adam Lang (Pierce Brosnan), después de la muerte en un accidente de la persona que lo estaba haciendo. Para ello, se instala en una isla de la costa este de Estados Unidos. Al día siguiente de su llegada, un antiguo ministro acusa a Lang de autorizar la captura ilegal de presuntos terroristas y su entrega a la CIA, hechos que constituirían un crimen de guerra. El escándalo atrae a periodistas y manifestantes a la mansión de la isla donde se aloja Lang con su mujer (Olivia Williams) y su ayudante personal (Kim Cattrall). 
Sticky Dough
Both the machines and the staff at the bread factory run like clockwork.The girls are always on the go and their piece rate is bang on target. The new girl, however, number 423, is having a hard time getting to grips with the machines. She's fighting a losing battle, it seems. But we shall see who will win in the end.