Raphael Hamburger

Raphael Hamburger

Nacimiento : 1981-04-02, Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine, France


Raphaël Michel Hamburger (born 2 April 1981) is a French producer and a soundtrack music supervisor. He is the son of French singers Michel Berger and France Gall, the grandson of French physician, surgeon and essayist Jean Hamburger, the great-grandson of co-founder of Manécanterie des Petits Chanteurs à la Croix de Bois, Paul Berthier, and godson of French stand-up comedian and actor Coluche. After studying sound engineering, he produced albums for several French artists, including Adrienne Pauly, Spleen, accused of sexual harassment, HollySiz, June&Ours and Polo&Pan. He participated in the French version of Sean Lennon's song "Parachute", called "L'Éclipse" (The eclipse), with Mathieu Chedid, and founded Hamburger Records, Radiooooo, with Kolkoz artist Benjamin Moreau, Chi-Fou-Mi Records and MMM agency, with Schmooze music supervision and sound production company founder, Matthieu Sibony. In 2016, he produced the Ritz Bar compilation. He bought the former Studios Acousti, rebaptised Studios Saint-Germain, directed by Élodie Filleul. In 2018, 37 female singers (including Brigitte, Mayra Andrade, Anaïs Croze, Clara Luciani, Sandra Nkaké, Elisa Tovati, Agnès Jaoui, Olivia Ruiz, La Grande Sophie, Superbus, Elodie Frégé, Inna Modja, Mai Lan and Julie Zenatti) recorded the new version of the Hymn of the Mouvement de libération des femmes. In 2019, for the first anniversary of his mother's death, Mathieu Chedid dedicated him a song, Un autre paradis, that appears on the album Lettre infinie. In 2020, he should have produced Starmania at the Seine Musicale of Boulogne-Billancourt, canceled in 2021 and in 2022 due to COVID-19 pandemic. From 2016 to 2020, he manages a Spa, SkySpa (Laddaparis).A difficult teenager, he was severely injured in a scooter accident at a young age and almost died. After his sister Pauline died on December 15, 1997 from cystic fibrosis, he went through a morbid trial, in June 1998, against his aunt, and his father's former companion, Véronique Sanson, because he wanted to transfer Pauline's remains to put them with her father's in a closed vault in the Montmartre Cemetery. After the October 26 audience, and the January 11, 1999 failed mediation, there were new audiences on May 31 and June 28. On October 4, the Tribunal de grande instance de Paris gave the order to transfer Berger's remains next to his daughter's. He is a regular Poker player and the father of Ella, born in 2021. Source: Article "Raphaël Hamburger" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Raphael Hamburger


Hacia la luz
Music Coordinator
Misako (Ayame Misaki) es una apasionada guionista de películas para invidentes. Su meticulosidad al transcribir el lenguaje visual al escrito, esforzándose por encontrar la palabra perfecta para cada color, gesto o textura, la hacen olvidarse de algo tan importante como los sentimientos. En una proyección cinematográfica conoce a Masaya (Masatoshi Nagase), un fotógrafo que está perdiendo la vista lentamente. Misako pronto descubrirá las fotografías de Masaya, que la transportarán a algunos recuerdos de su pasado. Juntos aprenderán a ver de manera resplandeciente el mundo que antes era invisible a sus ojos.
Music Supervisor
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El porvenir
Music Supervisor
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Quelques Secondes
Associate Producer
The daily life of 5 girls living in a hosting center in Paris. All haunted by their heavy past (rape, violence, abandonment..), they even try to move forward. They all try to progress, except one : Sam.
La búsqueda
Music Supervisor
La película se desarrolla durante la segunda guerra de Chechenia, en 1999. Es una narración a escala humana de cuatro destinos que se cruzan durante la guerra. Luego del asesinato de sus padres en su pueblo, un niño huye y se une a un grupo de refugiados. Conoce a Carole, comisionada de la Unión Europea, quien le ayuda a revivir, poco a poco. Al mismo tiempo, su hermana mayor, Raïssa, lo busca sin cesar. Por otro lado, Kolia, un joven ruso de 20 años, se incorpora en el ejército y poco a poco se introduce en el día a día de la guerra.
La jaula dorada
Music Supervisor
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Just Like Brothers
Music Supervisor
Since Charlie is no longer there, the lives of Boris, Elie, and Maxime have been torn apart. These three men, who have nothing in common, all shared one thing: their love for Charlie. One loved her like a sister, one loved her like the woman of his dreams, one loved her like a friend. Except that Charlie is dead and none of them - not Boris, an accomplished businessman, not Elie, a night owl scriptwriter, and not Maxime, still living at home with his mother - know how to deal with it. But because she asked them to do so, they abruptly decide to undertake a journey together, heading for Corsica and the house that Charlie loved so much. Except that here they are stuck in a car together for over 500 miles. It's going to be a long journey. Boris, Elie and Maxime, three men, three generations, no affinity. But by the time they arrive at their destination, they will have realized one majorly important thing: Charlie has changed their lives forever.