Director of Photography
It often happens that at the moment of death, transgender individuals are shorn of their identity. Their families are ashamed, the funeral takes place in secret, and on the tomb appears the name the deceased had before their transition, in one stroke nullifying the entire life path they had chosen. The same thing happened to Antonia. Her girlfriends gather to honor her memory and give her back her identity denied. In telling her story, the film’s stars, all drawn from the variegated transgender world, interweave the narrative with tales of their own lives, experiences, and memories.
Camera Operator
Four married couples find out their marriage is invalid because it was officiated by a fraudulent priest and have to decide what to do next.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Camera Operator
Leonardo is still single and immature as ever at 50. Tired to see him like that, his daughter texts all his exes "I'm a changed man: let's try again", setting in motion an unexpected trip down memory lane.
Director of Photography
Mirea is about to be 18 years old, and her family is prepearing a big party for her. Teresa, Mirea's mother, wants to gain notoriety, so begins to spend recklessy for the celebration. When the day finally comes, an unexpected death puts it at risk.
Steadicam Operator
En un bar llamado The Place, un hombre sentado siempre en la misma mesa ve entrar y salir a diez personajes, todos los días a todas horas, que vienen a hablar con él. Éste les da indicaciones sobre cómo satisfacer los propios deseos; de hecho, estipula con ellos un auténtico contrato. Ser más hermosa, pasar una noche con una estrella del porno, salvar al hijo, recuperar la vista y encontrar a Dios son solo algunos de los deseos que los varios personajes exponen al hombre del bar. “Puede hacerse”, responde él, mientras escribe de manera convulsa en su enorme agenda, llena de apuntes en todas sus páginas. Pero hay que pagar un precio, casi siempre altísimo: robar una buena suma de dinero, poner una bomba en un local, violar a una mujer… Si se lleva a cabo el deber asignado, el éxito está garantizado. Cada uno de ellos decidirá si acepta o rechaza el acuerdo.
Steadicam Operator
Convict Umberto is allowed to work outside prison during daytime as a librarian. There he falls for a beautiful woman who mistakes him for a volunteer helping the inmates — however, like a modern-day Cinderella, every day he must leave and be back to his cell before midnight... will they manage to live happily ever after?
Camera Operator
Convict Umberto is allowed to work outside prison during daytime as a librarian. There he falls for a beautiful woman who mistakes him for a volunteer helping the inmates — however, like a modern-day Cinderella, every day he must leave and be back to his cell before midnight... will they manage to live happily ever after?
Camera Operator
En 1946, Alberto Manzi tras regresar de la Guerra busca trabajo como maestro, una tarea nada fácil ya que carece de recomendaciones. Finalmente encuentra un trabajo que nadie quiere, como profesor en un reformatorio de la ciudad. A sus alumnos no les interesa aprender y Alberto tendrá que ganarse su confianza.
Steadicam Operator
Middle-aged family man Arnaldo is kicked out by his wife because of a misunderstanding. Instead of despairing, Arnaldo takes advantage of the situation to turn around his unsatisfying adult life by going to live in a flat shared with four university students.
Camera Operator
Middle-aged family man Arnaldo is kicked out by his wife because of a misunderstanding. Instead of despairing, Arnaldo takes advantage of the situation to turn around his unsatisfying adult life by going to live in a flat shared with four university students.
Camera Operator
Ahora, en el extremo norte (¡es decir, Milán!), Alberto ha aceptado administrar un programa para mejorar la eficiencia en el correo italiano. Él dedica todo su tiempo y toda su energía a esta noble tarea y descuida a su esposa Silvia, lo que, por supuesto, la molesta más allá de sus límites. Las cosas no van mucho mejor en Castellabate, donde es más bien a María, la esposa de Matta, quien se pone nerviosa al culparlo por su falta de ambición. Un día, debido a un malentendido, Mattia es transferida a ... ¡Milán! ¿Y en qué puerta aterriza? Alberto, por supuesto!
Second Assistant Camera
Director of Photography