Julius Krebs Damsbo


A finales del siglo XIX, un joven sacerdote danés viaja a un lugar remoto de Islandia para construir una iglesia y fotografiar a su gente. Pero cuanto más se adentra en el paisaje implacable, más se aleja de su propósito, la misión y la moralidad.
A story of siblings building a tree house together over the course of a year. We experience the beauty and brutality of the seasons, as we follow them through their struggles and moments of joy.
Vida salvaje
En un intento desesperado por salir de su crisis de la mediana edad, Martin lleva a su familia a vivir a las montañas de Noruega. Cazando y reuniéndose como sus ancestros hicieron hace miles de años.
Psychosis in Stockholm
On vacation in Stockholm, a teenage daughter is left wandering the city alone when her mother suffers from a sudden mental breakdown. Coming of age becomes an equally sudden necessity.
Un blanco, blanco día
En una remota ciudad islandesa, un jefe de policía fuera de servicio comienza a sospechar que un hombre local tuvo una aventura con su esposa, quien recientemente murió en un accidente automovilístico. Gradualmente, su obsesión por descubrir la verdad se acumula e inevitablemente comienza a ponerse en peligro a sí mismo y a sus seres queridos. Una historia de dolor, venganza y amor incondicional.
Winter Brothers
Sigue a dos hermanos trabajando durante un frío invierno: sus rutinas, hábitos, rituales y una violenta enemistad que surge entre ellos y otra familia.
Mother's Ghost
A portrait of the symbiosis of body and mind between mother and unborn child.
During a family weekend in the Swedish wilderness, 17-year-old Victor draws closer to his beautiful, cancer-ill aunt, but fails to notice the wary eyes with which the rest of the family watches her.
I Remember When I Die
Death, the passage of time and eternity. Big topics, but seen from a new and original perspective in a film based on a simple idea: that one's sense of time ceases to function when one dies, and that one for a short – or in fact very long – moment has the chance to experience eternity. And to therefore live in a single memory forever. Which one would you choose? 'I Remember When I Die' takes place at life's last destination, a hospice, but is a poetic and vital journey into the borderland of consciousness, and right into a possible afterlife.
Seven Boats
A man is in the ocean fighting for his life. He is surrounded by seven boats.
A Different Kind of Boy
Alexander is about to embark upon a life of forced independence. Almost 18, he’s just finished school and it’s time for him to move on from the sheltered security of his mother’s home. Diagnosed with autism, he will have to learn even the most menial of tasks: shopping, clipping his nails, tying his own shoes. “No,” says Alexander, when asked if he knows what autism means. “Does my mum also say that I’m autistic? I can’t figure out if I am autistic or not.” Naïvely trying to bond, as if Alexander’s condition could magically disappear, his older brother Sebastian invites him on an exciting adventure: a five-day, boys-only trip to Barcelona, complete with a soccer game, men’s-only magazines, a strip club and endless hours together on the road. But in this touching and often lighthearted portrait, good intentions are overcome by reality and excitement may soon turn to frustration.
A Painter
We follow a painter, a successful artist living alone and isolated. Driven only by his work, he finds himself lost when he’s forced to deal with his unannoced son and other outsiders that stand in the way of his work and get him out of balance.
Everything seems to be fine when Michael returns from psychiatric hospital, and his girlfriend Cecilie is also confident that things will go in the right direction. But things gradually shows different. Cecilie however is fighting to keep Michael from insanity, and not disappear into his own world. Based on a true story about the famous Danish poet Michael Strunge.
Road to Paradise
Johan wants to see what it takes to become a myth. So he follows in the footsteps of Eik Skaløe, the lead singer of Steppeulvene, who committed suicide in India in 1968. And he would like to do so all the way. Luxury-loving Mikkel is not so wild about Johan's wild life experiments, but nonetheless joins him on the trip, which takes the two Danes across a magical, wild and unpredictable India. A crazy trip, reserved for those who are out of their minds.