Sound Mixer
July 20, 1969. Apollo 11 lands on the surface of the Moon. Such a feat was apparently performed to the greater glory of all mankind, but actually it marked the end of the space race disputed by the two great superpowers of the time in their eagerness to arrive before and the beginning of the spread of the Cold War into space. Nowadays, the struggle continues, but the main competitors and their purposes are others.
Original Music Composer
July 20, 1969. Apollo 11 lands on the surface of the Moon. Such a feat was apparently performed to the greater glory of all mankind, but actually it marked the end of the space race disputed by the two great superpowers of the time in their eagerness to arrive before and the beginning of the spread of the Cold War into space. Nowadays, the struggle continues, but the main competitors and their purposes are others.
Sound Mixer
Original Music Composer
Sound Designer
Original Music Composer
La lucha de un pueblo para salvar al animal en el corazón de su cultura. Durante siglos, los indígenas Bunong de la frontera entre Camboya y Vietnam convivieron con los elefantes, creyendo que compartían el mismo destino. Hoy en día, mientras los bosques y ríos de los que dependen tanto el hombre como los animales están amenazados, sus destinos parecen aún más inseparables. Last of the Elephant Men sigue durante un período de tiempo a varios miembros de la tribu mientras intentan salvar al animal que una vez definió su forma de vida y puede ser la clave de su propia supervivencia.