Jean-Pierre Gonthier

Jean-Pierre Gonthier


Jean-Pierre Gonthier


Heat Wave
Agente de sécurité supermarché
After the death of her unfaithful husband, Gisele, a social worker of 52 years, falls madly in love with Yannick, one of her former customers and kleptomaniac addict. She tries to repress her feelings, but the attraction she has for this 19 year old boy is beyond comprehension. Her sister, her boss and two children will each turn, disrupt her secret meetings with her young lover.
Cruising Bar 2
Fifteen years later, the heroes from Cruising Bar may hardly have changed but the world around them most certainly has! For the Bull, reality is brutal. His wife of 30 years, sick of his infidelity, decides to show him the door. But the Bull, who has a positive outlook on life, isn't so easily defeated and fights for his survival. The Lion too faces a break-up when his girlfriend leaves. All alone, he's force to relearn the art of seduction. The Peacock, on the other hand, is trying to figure out his sexual identity with the help of a psychologist. As for the Earthworm, his long wait for a soulmate will, at last, be requited.
In the Eye of the Cat
Idris (voice)
Pauline goes on trip and never returns. Did she deliberately vanish, or did she just abandon her life, or is this an invitation for someone to start searching for her? Simon, her fiancé, intends to find out... Several months after the disappearance, Simon learns of Pauline's death abroad. While cleaning out her apartment, Simon discovers that Lazare, Pauline's cat, still occupies his master's apartment. He possesses an extraordinary long-term memory... and a need for revenge!
La gran seducción
Réal Fournier
Los habitantes del pueblecito costero de Sainte-Marie-La-Mauderne, antaño orgullosos pescadores, se ven obligados a vivir de subsidios gubernamentales. Pasa el tiempo, siguen cobrando los talones, pero el orgullo desaparece, dejando sitio a la melancolía, la somnolencia y la desesperación. Para colmo de males, el alcalde se muda a la ciudad y Germain se queda a cargo del pueblecito.
Heads or Tails
Commis au téléphone
Dominique, un brillante arquitecto, con el fin de hacer dinero rápido para volver a reabrir su compañía, encuentra trabajo en un anticuario. Pero pronto se da cuenta de que la única forma de mantener su puesto de trabajo es fingiendo ser homosexual, rompiendo poco a poco su matrimonio y agitando emociones extrañas de su madre.
Des fleurs sur la neige
Alain Lasalle
Beaten and live an unimaginably difficult childhood, Elisa Trudel and her sister Madeline Trudel still have hope in their heart. Beaten both by their heartless mother. Their mother that this remarried with another man after their father died of a heart attack. Day after day, Elisa and Madeline overcomes the challenges and they discovers the key to be happy, is love. Based on a true story happened in the 70s.
Marie in the City
Le premier passant à la monnaie
A young girl who is being abused at home runs away to the seamy side of Montreal where she makes friends with a prostitute who helps her to survive the urban jungle.