Yuen Fai


Nacido para defender
Friend of Jet
Jet, un joven soldado, al término de la Segunda Guerra Mundial debe superar a algunos estadounidenses abusivos que están intimidando al pueblo chino.
Photographer and adventurer Tong (Yu Rong-Guang) spots a mirage of a beautiful woman while on a mission and is obsessed by the beauty of her. Heading into Mongolia with best friend (Tsui Siu-Ming), the discovery of the woman and her true nature is anything but beautiful however as she's the leader of a gang of desert bandits.
Naughty Boys
Frequent Jackie Chan cohort Mars stars as Sing, an ex-con who's supposed to dig up the buried loot of his three still-jailed buddies...but when he gets to it, he finds that the treasure chest is full of rocks! The other three are convinced that Sing stole the goods for himself, so Sing decides to hide out with his kick-butt cousin Kuen, played with athletic aplomb by kung-fu princess Kara Hui! But some insurance investigators (Carina Lau and Billy Lau) are also after the loot, and there's even a mousy travel agent (future director Clarence Fok) thrown in for good measure. It all adds up to numerous shenanigans and action-comedy hijinks, culminating in a knockdown action finale set in a warehouse! Wooden crates, two-by-fours, and more props than you can name are used and abused in the name of creative eighties HK-style action, which Jackie Chan and company are only too glad to dispense to the audience!
The Owl vs Bombo
Gang Member
Dos ladrones retirados son chantajeados por Chung, un expolicía, para que den clases sobre respeto en un centro de menores. Sin embargo, su pasado como maleantes no tardará en resurgir.
Ghosts Galore
Japanese/Opera fighter
Veteran Lo Lieh, once again playing an evil black-magic priest, unleashes some particulary nasty Japanese ghosts on a peaceful Chinese village.
Carry on Pickpocket
Fence's Thug
Hung Tai-Kong aka Rice Pot and Chan Yin-Tung aka Chimney are two friends who work with their master Kam Ming and his daughter Ann as a team of pickpockets.
El hijo pródigo
Disciple of Angry Kungfu Master
El joven adinerado Leung Chan cree que es el luchador más fuerte de la ciudad pero lo que él no sabe es que su criado ha amañado todos los combates que ha tenido. Cuando se enfrenta por primera vez a un luchador real, un miembro de la Ópera de Pekín, la derrota es inevitable. Leung yee Tai acepta enseñarle sus técnicas, pero durante el entrenamiento los luchadores son amenazados por Lord Ngai. Leung Chan y Leung Yee Tai logran escapar con vida de las tropas de Lord Ngai y le piden ayuda a Wong Wah Bo, el hermano de Leung Yee Tai, que les mostrará una técnica que quizás les de una oportunidad para vencer a Lord Ngai, el estilo de lucha “Wing Chun”...
The Master
Fan San
Although injured, a martial-arts expert teaches an orphan his methods.