Chef policier turc
Narra el viaje de un padre y su hijo desde el sur de Francia hasta La Meca. Los dos pertenecen a una cultura en la cual la comunicación entre ambos es difícil pero no imposible. El abismo entre ellos (generacional, cultural y linguístico) es más grande debido a su estatus de exiliados en Francia. A lo largo de este viaje lograrán entender qué los separa pero también que los une. (FILMAFFINITY)
Kerim Ağa
Yusuf Miroğlu and Zeynep travel to Diyarbakır in southeast Turkey to attend his best friend Cemal's wedding. While performing the traditional halay dance at the wedding, Cemal is killed by an assassin. Cemal's widowed wife Leyla pleads Yusuf to find the people behind the murder and bring them to justice. Yusuf finds himself caught in a struggle against the PKK and other terrorist groups in the area.
Istambul, 1967. Two women meet at Avrenos, a tavern in the old city. Nouchi, the brunette, is mourning the death of Bernard de Jonsac, an employee of the French Embassy who recently died. It is Lélia, the blonde, who asked her to come. She wants to understand the ties that bound them both to Jonsac, to understand the strange couple that this desperate dandy formed with Nouchi, the ex-Bulgarian bar girl. Lélia, the middle-class woman from Istanbul, wants to understand at last, ten years after the tragedy that has left her confined to a wheelchair for life...
Ahmet Bedevi, also known as Tarzan of Manisa, was born in 1900 in Baghdad to become a soldier, fighting in the War of Independence and honored with a medal. He returned to a ruined and destroyed Manisa in 1923. Bedevi started working at the Municipality as a fireman and a gardener. He became the pioneer and symbol of planting activities. Because of the soft climate of the area, he first wore a vest and trousers and then he started wandering about in the town in his shorts. The people of Manisa saw his resemblance to Tarzan because of his clothes, and always cherished him with love. Tarzan of Manisa lived in the mount Spilylus, ignoring all his individual needs but working for a greener environment. He died on 31st May, 1963. However, he has never been forgotten by the locals; on the contrary, he was immortalized for the things he did for Manisa and people followed his example.
A pitiless judge makes a wrong judgement and makes an innocent man sentenced to death. After, with the help of his conscience he changes his view of law and his whole life.