Wayne Brennan


Baptists at Our Barbecue
Brother Stolt
'Bautistas en Nuestra Parrillada' es la historia de comedia de la pequeña ciudad de Longwinded, EE.UU., una dividida y enemistada ciudad de 262 mormones y 262 bautistas. Es también una historia de amor, alrededor de un hombre que va a intentar cualquier cosa para poner fin a la ridícula pelea, y tener a la chica que ama.
Joseph Fielding Smith: The Modern Prophets
Joseph F. Smith
Born the son of a prophet in 1876, Joseph Fielding Smith's life spanned one of the most dynamic times in the history of the world. While his devoted father and mother were exiled to Hawaii, seven-year-old Joseph was left alone for several years to mature. A historian for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at age 25, Joseph defended the faith as a scholar and prolific writer over the next 70 years. Through his lifelong commitment as theologian, apostle, and Prophet of God, he helped the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints grow to be a worldwide religion.
Joseph F. Smith: The Modern Prophets
Joseph F. Smith (Older)
Born in Missouri at the height of mob persecution, denied fatherly guidance at age five and the love of his mother at age thirteen, Joseph F. Smith was reared by the hand of the Lord from orphaned boy to sixth President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Witness the faith, devotion and struggles required to drive a team of oxen across the plains, serve numerous missions abroad, withstand the mistreatment of an intolerant nation, and ultimately rise to be a Prophet of God.
The Darkling
European Man
Película que trata de como un mecánico , Jeff Obold, se encuentra con el rico y misterioso Bruno Rubin , se expone por primera vez a las cosas buenas de la vida.
The Pump
A dramatic parable of choice and resulting consequences. Synopsis: A man is traveling alone in his car in Southern California. The year is 1947. He stops to look at his road map. The map warns him that no one should turn off the main roads without inquiring locally. The driver notices what looks like a short-cut on the map. He turns onto it. Soon his car has overheated and he is stalled - miles away from any help. The traveler walks away from the road apparently hoping to find another short-cut, cross-country. He brings no hat, no canteen, no provisions.