Matteo Pitton


With Spy, filmmaker Yuri Ancarani proposes an oneiric journey inside “Breath Ghosts Blind,” an exhibition by Maurizio Cattelan at Pirelli HangarBicocca, curated by Roberta Tenconi and Vicente Todolí, conceived as a reflection in three acts on the human existence and the cycle of life with all its contradictions and frailties. The narration, seen through the eyes of an unusual visitor—whose fugitive identity is revealed only towards the end of the video—unfolds as a nonlinear sequence, with a disorienting editing and mesmerizing juxtapositions of image frames of the three works of art on display.
No Redemption With... Don Mitraglia
An upright priest, disliked the corrupt upper echelons of V.A.T.I.C.A.N.O., is imprisoned, tortured and sentenced to certain death. But by divine intercession he'd be able to save himself: once put back on track, and trained in the martial arts by an eccentric monk, he will take revenge in a crescendo of disproportionate violence.