While humanity's fate hangs in the balance, Sarah is caught in a love triangle between two killer-robots from the future. She'll need to use her head and follow her heart if she wants to survive these relationships and save the world.
Print Journalist (uncredited)
De repente, sin saber cuál es su origen, aunque todo hace sospechar que comienza con el viaje de una norteamericana a un casino de Hong Kong, un virus mortal comienza a propagarse por todo el mundo. En pocos días, la enfermedad empieza a diezmar a la población. El contagio se produce por mero contacto entre los seres humanos. Un thriller realista y sin efectos especiales sobre los efectos de una epidemia.
A heartwarming tale of a young man who is coping with the reality that his girlfriend has become a hideous possessed-zombie. Armed with a healthy fear of commitment and a silver cross, the young man and his best friend must fight for their lives and their manhood, as the drooling she-beast threatens to feast on their succulent brains.
A heartwarming tale of a young man who is coping with the reality that his girlfriend has become a hideous possessed-zombie. Armed with a healthy fear of commitment and a silver cross, the young man and his best friend must fight for their lives and their manhood, as the drooling she-beast threatens to feast on their succulent brains.
A heartwarming tale of a young man who is coping with the reality that his girlfriend has become a hideous possessed-zombie. Armed with a healthy fear of commitment and a silver cross, the young man and his best friend must fight for their lives and their manhood, as the drooling she-beast threatens to feast on their succulent brains.
A heartwarming tale of a young man who is coping with the reality that his girlfriend has become a hideous possessed-zombie. Armed with a healthy fear of commitment and a silver cross, the young man and his best friend must fight for their lives and their manhood, as the drooling she-beast threatens to feast on their succulent brains.