Grant Slater


The Darker the Lake
Executive Producer
Cuando extraños asesinatos sobrenaturales de repente se convierten en la comidilla de una ciudad pacífica, dos detectives deben resolver un juego mortal, pero el mito de este juego revelará secretos demasiado cercanos a casa.
Executive Producer
Los mundos chocan en una incómoda cena en 1959 en Nueva Inglaterra. Las tornas cambian cuando una pareja birracial progresista asiste a una cena en la imponente casa de un artista corriente y un psiquiatra cuestionable. Al amanecer, se encuentran a sí mismos como peones en un juego cínico que expone las grietas en sus fachadas.
Miracle on 4th Street
Executive Producer
On November 5th 2017 the largest mass shooting in Texas history occurred inside a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Although 26 were murdered that day, more than half the people survived, some of them miraculously.
7 Murders a Day
Executive Producer
Filmmaker Charlie Minn examines the escalating cartel violence in Tijuana, Mexico.
Odd Man Rush
When Harvard hockey’s Bobby Sanders lands in Sweden’s minor leagues, his relationship with the girl at the local market forces him to confront the reality of his childhood NHL dream before the hockey gods intervene.
In the remote Russian Arctic, an aging scientist and his son are trying to recreate the Ice Age. They call their experiment Pleistocene Park – a perfect home for woolly mammoths, resurrected by modern genetics. But the mammoths are only a means to a bigger end: defusing a carbon timebomb frozen in the permafrost to slow the effects of global warming.
Ticket to Heaven
David is a young man seduced by a religious cult that uses starvation, exhaustion, and brainwashing to mold recruits into money hustling disciples of a messiah-like leader. Chronicles David's chilling transformation into a gaunt, mindless shadow of his former self...and his ultimate salvation when friends and family launch a plan to kidnap and deprogram him.