Still Photographer
Tras la muerte de su madre, Dany y su hermano Odysseas, de 16 y 18 años, emprenden la ruta de Atenas a Tesalónica para buscar a su padre, un hombre griego que nunca han visto. Albaneses por parte de madre, los chicos son extranjeros en su propio país y esperan que su padre los reconozca para obtener la nacionalidad griega. Además, Dany y Ody se hicieron la promesa de participar en un concurso de canto popular que podría cambiar su vida. Este viaje pondrá a prueba la fuerza del vínculo que los une, su lado infantil y el gusto por las canciones italianas.
Still Photographer
Revenge is a recurrent theme in thrillers, usually dispensed by action heroes with a well-stocked arsenal. But in Yorgos Tsemberopoulos’s nuanced moral maze the protagonist is the bookish Kostas (Manolis Mavromatakis), a suburban florist well versed in social and political theory, which he discusses at length with a local publican. But when his home is invaded by masked hoodlums, who bind his family and rape his teenage daughter, our everyman hero finds his intellectual stance untenable. Encouraged by his paranoid, militarist neighbour, Kostas decides to take the law into his own hands, and in doing so begins to understand – for the first time – the world he has been living in. The vigilante movie is a well-explored genre too, but Tsemberopoulos gives it a whole new urgency, subverting the cliched right-wing fantasy structure and seeing it through the eyes of a man who comes to find his real self while trying to live up to the (imagined) expectations of others. (Source: LFF programme)