María Miró

Nacimiento : , Barcelona


Nacida en Barcelona, es licenciada en medicina y se formó musicalmente en el Conservatorio del Liceu y en el Royal Northern College of Music de Manchester, perfeccionando su técnica posteriormente con Montserrat Caballé, Jaume Aragall, Ana María Sánchez, Bonaldo Giaiotti, Dalton Baldwin, Viorica Cortez y Elisabetta Fiorillo, entre otros. Ha sido premiada en diferentes certámenes, como el Concurso MIrabent i Magrans, Concurso Internacional de Canto Ciudad de Elda, Concurso Joan Massià y el Elizabeth Hardwood Memorial Prize. Su repertorio incluye títulos como Alceste, Atlàntida, Don Giovanni, Die Zauberflöte, Suor Angelica y Così fan tutte, entre otros. Papeles que ha interpretado en teatros de ciudades como Madrid, Wexford, Dorchester, Weimar o Manchester. Ha sido dirigido por maestros como Andrew Davis, Josep Pons, Ivor Bolton y Dmitri Tcherniakov. Debutó en el Gran Teatre del Liceu la temporada 2013/14 con Atlàntida y Cendrillon (2013/14), además del recital Una noche con Kurt Weill junto a Angela Denoke. Ha regresado con I due Foscari (2014/15).


Il Pirata - Teatro Real de Madrid
Gualtiero is an exiled count, forced to become a pirate. His enemy Ernesto blackmails Imogene into marrying him, even though he knows she loves Gualtiero. In the searing final scene Imogene goes insane when Gualtiero is condemned to death. This is riveting bel canto drama as you have seldom hear it.
El barberillo de Lavapiés
Marquesita del Bierzo
Emitido en directo desde el Teatro de la Zarzuela el 12 de abril de 2019. Música de FRANCISCO ASENJO BARBIERI Libreto de Luis Mariano de Larra, en una adaptación de Alfredo Sanzol Nueva producción del Teatro de la Zarzuela
Das Liebesverbot
This Wagner opera is rarely performed because of the scandals that engulfed the Magdeburg Theatre when it was performed in 1836 under the title The Novice of Palermo, and became known as a cursed opera from which the composer had to distance himself. Wagner's adaptation of the story reflects the rebellious mood of a Revolutionary Germany, vindicating sensual love and attack the fanatical repression of sexuality by a puritanical and hypocritical authority. As the prose says, "Shame to him whose cruel striking/Kills for faults of his own liking!". One of the most extraordinary musicals based on a text by Shakespeare, especially worthy of a new performance as it is four hundred years since the death of the Bard.
Amor que mata
In this simple melodrama, a boy loses his beloved girl, hence dying of a broken heart. The film presents advanced techniques in several fields.