Loren Avedon
Nacimiento : 1962-07-30, Los Angeles, California, USA
Loren Avedon (born July 30, 1962) is an American actor and martial artist best known for his portrayal of Jake Donahue in The King of the Kickboxers and Scott Wylde in No Retreat, No Surrender 2.
Rick D'Angelo
Alex Granger is a successful New York fashion photographer with a past - he is a former CIA operative specializing in surveillance work. Bored with his present life-style and craving adventure, Alex is lured back into the game by a beautiful, mysterious woman, who just happens to be in partnership with a major arms dealer. Alex is led to believe that he's being hired for industrial espionage and is paid a very large sum of money for his services.Former CIA partner is hot on the trail of the arms dealers and when Alex is confronted with the truth, realizes he's being implicated in their schemes. He is now caught between a "rock and a hard place" and must do whatever needs to be done to save himself.
Special Agent Sykes
Following his wife's untimely death, Dirk Longstreet adopts a nomadic lifestyle. He preoccupies himself with surfing, and makes ends meet by participating in brutal underground brawls. Longstreet's leisurely lifestyle is abruptly interrupted when a young girl sold into slavery seeks the fighter's assistance. The child's former captors want her back, and Dirk is prepared to annihilate whoever gets in his way.
Special Agent Sykes
Dirk Longstreet es profesor de universidad. Lleva una vida normal en su preciosa casa de las afueras. Nadie podría imaginar jamás a Dirk fuera de la ley. Sin embargo, 5 años antes, Dirk Longstreet era en realidad Dirk Lincoln, un campeón de un club ilegal de Lucha conocido como "The Circuit" quien un día decidió desparecer de ese mundo sin despedirse. Un día uno de sus alumnos se inscribe en el mismo club ilegal de lucha. Dirk sabe que puede ayudarlo y decide volver momentáneamente al club para salvar a uno de sus discípulos del propietario de "The Circuit", un antiguo enemigo.
An elite Federal force whose objective is to eliminate organized crime is violently assassinated by an evil Asian crime lord. The sole survivor of the group teams up with his late partner's widow to strike back at the crime lord and his son.
Frank Stevens
An elite Federal force whose objective is to eliminate organized crime is violently assassinated by an evil Asian crime lord. The sole survivor of the group teams up with his late partner's widow to strike back at the crime lord and his son.
After six years as a guest of the state, mob hit man Jason Reed wants nothing more than to get an honest job and spend time with his young son, Tommy. He is not ten steps outside of the prison before being greeted by Keither, an old crony anxious to pick up where they left off. While out for a drive with his son, Jason saves a young woman from a gun wielding thug, not realizing that he has just managed to ruin Keith's plans to recover some stolen heroin. While fending off various retaliatory attacks from his old buddies, Jason must also deal with his ex-wife, a reformed drug addict who has returned from out of nowhere intent on re-uniting with Tommy.
Un psicótico artista marcial llamado Stryker, resucita los espíritus de tres antiguos asesinos maestros chinos.
En un esfuerzo para hacerse cargo de los bajos fondos de Nueva York y para detener a Stryker, es el turno de los policías Tarek Richards y Linda Masterson. Al parecer, Richards tiene la clave para derrotar a los "Maestros", pero necesitará la guía del antiguo maestro de Stryker...antes que la batalla comience.
A wealthy banker and his daughter are kidnapped by a gang of thugs. The girl's boyfriend, who serves in the special units of the US Navy, is in possession of particular psychic powers. It will be thanks to these powers he will discover the place where the two abducted were locked.
Max Lightener
A wealthy banker and his daughter are kidnapped by a gang of thugs. The girl's boyfriend, who serves in the special units of the US Navy, is in possession of particular psychic powers. It will be thanks to these powers he will discover the place where the two abducted were locked.
Story of a Chinese-American growing up in L.A.
The first video to combine international martial arts together with interviews and demonstrations by celebrities of Hollywood.
Cuando un científico logra trasladar a los personajes de un juego virtual a la vida real, un policía de frontera debe detener al maléfico jefe final de un juego de pelea, mientras trata de salvar a una de las chicas de un juego de cibersexo.
Ivan Jones
A kickboxer is hired to protect half of a valuable medallion, but an evil warlord and another kickboxer are determined to have it, no matter what it takes.
David Carster
Billy is a young fighter whose sister Judith was hurt after a near gang rape. When he learns she must have surgery, crime boss Russell has Billy compete in illegal street fights. When Billy learns he may get killed, he quits but is later killed by Russell and his men, who were the ones responsible for Judith's accident. After his death, Billy must rely on one man to seek revenge for him: his best friend David. However, David must train in the martial arts before he can seek revenge. Davidy seeks guidance from the ghost of Billy as well as Billy's trainer and ally, Murphy.
Jake Donahue
Hace diez años, en Bangkok (Thailandia), Sean, el hermano de Jake Donahue, tras ganar un campeonato de Kickboxing, es brutalmente asesinado por Khan. Jake, de catorce años, queda fisicamente y emocionalmente destrozado. En la actualidad, Jake es un policía secreto en Nueva York, que destaca por su valor y arriesgada dedicación en la captura de peligrosos criminales. Cuando la Interpol le envía a Thailandia a desenmascarar a una mortifera banda de delincuentes, Jake sabe que tendrá que enfrentarse a Khan. Para poder vencer en la lucha final, buscará la ayuda de Prang, el maestro del Kickboxing.
Will Alexander
Dos hermanos enfrentados (uno de la policía y el otro un experto en artes marciales) de diferentes fuerzas políticas, se unen para vengar la muerte de su padre, un agente retirado, asesinado por una mafia que también complota para asesinar al presidente Bush.
Scott Wylde
Scott Wylde, un luchador de kickboxing norteamericano, debe ir al sudeste asiático para rescatar a su novia vietnamita de las tropas comunistas.
Chan's Gang Member
Tony, the new kid at school, befriends gang leader Young, whose top rival is Chan. When Young defeats Chan in battle, two mysterious men offer Tony and Young jobs at a security agency, with one of their new clients being among the city's most notorious drug dealers.
Furious is an unexplored dimension populated by cackling sorcerers, whispering statues, fat adolescent warriors and lots and lots of live chickens. Furious is power. It’s magic. It’s a kaleidoscopic siege on the concept of storytelling. And Furious is “RED HOT KARATE ACTION! Filmed entirely on location in Southern California!”