The sequel depicts Yuki's love affair with a young brothel owner who was once a Noh singer, and his complicated relationship with a woman who follows him around. Their love triangle nearly dissolves in Yuki's favour, but takes a sudden turn after an intervention of a perverted painter who believes in fatalism.
Tercera entrega de la serie de adaptaciones al cine de imágen real del famoso manga escrito por Kazuo Koike y dibujado por Goseki Kojima. Narra las aventuras de un Samurai que trabaja con su hijo siempre acompañándole en sus viajes. Ogami Itto acepta ser torturado por la Yakuza para salvar la vida de una prostituta, y estos alquilan sus servicios. Su objetivo es el malvado chamberlán.
Segunda en una serie de adaptaciones al cine de imagen real del famoso manga escrito por Kazuo Koike y dibujado por Goseki Kojima. Narra las aventuras de un samurai que trabaja con su hijo, el cual siempre le acompaña en sus viajes. En esta ocasión deberá enfrentarse a un grupo de ninjas femeninas al servicio del Clan Yagyu. También deberá asesinar a un traidor que planea vender los secretos de su clan al Shogunate.
Heroic masked ninja Akakage (Red Shadow) and his two companions fight evil warlords in feudal Japan with their superhuman powers and high tech gadgets. Theatrical film with 3-D sequences based on the TV series KAMEN NO NINJA AKAKAGE.
Watari is a young Iga ninja boy in feudal Japan who has magical adventures with his two heroic companions against an army of Ninjas and other-worldly creatures.
A trio of heroic ninjas use their superhuman powers and high tech gadgets to fight evil warlords in feudal Japan in this Toei-produced theatrical compilation film of episodes of the KAMEN NO NINJA AKA KAGE TV series.
After a salary-man's fiancée attempts suicide, he recounts his gruesome family history which saw generations of his ancestors suffer and sacrifice themselves for the sake of their cruel lords.