Eileen Bates


Only Two Can Play
John Lewis is bored of his job and his wife. Then Liz, wife of a local councillor, sets her sights on him. But this is risky stuff in a Welsh valleys town - if he and Liz ever manage to consummate their affair, that is.
El sabor del miedo
Penny Appleby, una joven a la que un accidente ha dejado en silla de ruedas, decide irse a vivir con su padre, al que no ve desde hace diez años, y con su nueva esposa, pero a su llegada descubre que su padre no está. Con el paso de los días, Penny está cada vez más convencida de que ha muerto, pero nadie la cree, excepto el chófer, y juntos inician una investigación.
And the Same to You
Dickie Dreadnought is the boxing-mad nephew of pious clergyman Reverend Sydney Mullet. To mollify his disapproving uncle, Dickie embarks on an elaborate plan to keep his budding boxing career a secret, with he and his tough-talking promoter Wally Burton both pretending to be devout 'men of the cloth'.
De repente, el último verano
En la Nueva Orleans de 1937, una rica viuda, la señora Venable, ofrece al doctor Cukrowicz los fondos para crear un hospital a condición de que practique una lobotomía a su sobrina Catherine. La señora Venable se encuentra perturbada por la reciente muerte en Europa de su hijo Sebastian, con quien solía viajar todos los veranos, salvo el último, en el que Sebastian prefirió llevar como acompañante a su prima Catherine.
Two years of deterioration sees John and Barbara Lomax's marriage reduced to bitter sniping and "keeping up appearances" for the sake of the children. When John's old friend Bill professes his love for Barbara, the marriage finally breaks up – causing their three children to react in different ways and their son secretly determined to do Bill harm.
The Holly and the Ivy
An English clergyman's neglect of his grown children, in his zeal to tend to his parishioners, comes to the surface at a Christmas family gathering.
The Ringer
An underhand solicitor receives threatening notes, and the police are called in to protect him.
Who Goes There!
When Miles Cornwall returns suddenly to the home he shares with his father and sister in a grace-and-favour house at St. James's Palace, he's amazed to find a pretty Irish girl in his favorite armchair. Intrigued, he turns on the charm but, as she explains her situation, he finds himself unaccountably falling in love with this pretty interloper.
La reina de África
Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, un capitán de barco con tendencia a la bebida y una estirada misionera huyen de las tropas alemanas en una ruinosa embarcación y se ven obligados a remontar un peligroso río. Son, a primera vista, dos seres antagónicos, incompatibles, pero la convivencia y, sobre todo, las penalidades que tendrán que afrontar juntos para sobrevivir harán cambiar radicalmente su relación.
Mine Own Executioner
Fearing her husband could become a killer, a woman seeks a psychiatrist's help.