Freddie Jackson


Take My Life
Johnny, Harlem Tuff-Kid Gang Member
A well meaning Dr. lends his building to a group of neighborhood kids. When the neighbors learn that they are members Harlem tough -kid gang, they suspect that their operation there conducting nefarious deeds.
Como ella sola
Black Man in Jail (uncredited)
Una neurótica mujer, emocionalmente desequilibrada, arruina la vida de todas las personas que se cruzan en su camino, hasta el punto de que las consecuencias de su comportamiento llegan a ser trágicas.
Double Deal
Tommy McCoy
Tommy McCoy and "Dude" Markey are both in love with Harlem singer/dancer Nita. Markey robs a jewelry store and turns the loot over to gang-boss Murray Howard. Later, Markey robs the safe, steals the jewelry, and, in order to get rid of his rival for Nita, frames the robbery on McCoy. The latter's big-brother thinks otherwise and, with Nita's help, sets out to prove it.
Way Down South
In the pre-Civil War South, a plantation owner dies and leaves all his possessions, including his slaves, to his young son. While the deceased treated his slaves decently, his corrupt executor abuses them unmercifully, beating them without provocation, and he is planning to sell off the father'e estate--including the slaves--at the earliest opportunity so he and his mistress can steal the money and move to France. The young boy doesn't want to sell his father's estate or break up an of the slave families, and he has to find someone to help him thwart the crooked executor's plans.
Reform School
A female warden takes over at a state reform school and attempts to bring about needed changes. Restored in 2020 by the Academy Film Archive with additional funding from the National Endowment for the Arts from a 16mm print donated by Giancarlo Esposito and Laurence Fishburne.
La pequeña Anita
One of the Boys (uncredited)
Annie es hija de un policía y vive en los barrios bajos con su padre y su hermano. Sus mejores amigos son una pandilla de chavales del barrio con los que juega y se pelea. Cuando su padre es asesinado y el muchacho del que está enamorada es acusado del hecho, sus amigos harán todo lo posible por ayudarla a encontrar al verdadero culpable. (filmaffinit-y)