Radmila Todorović


Boris Godounov
Makeup Artist
A possible impostor torments a newly crowned medieval czar who may have ordered the real successor's death.
Makeup Artist
After the release from prison, small-time criminal is marrying his girlfriend and lives a straight and poor, but happy life with her and her daughter. However, his happiness is shattered by wife's infidelity. Driven mad by jealousy, he kills her and her lover and runs into mountains, thus escaping law for months. This film is based on the true story about Junuz Kečo, last Bosnian outlaw.
La escapada de Sobibor
Makeup Artist
Sobibor es un pequeño pero activo campo de concentración, donde la única esperanza de salvación es la huida. Existe un plan para sacar de ese infierno al mayor número de personas posible, pero hay que tener en cuenta que, de prosperar la fuga, los alemanes tienen como norma eliminar a tantos prisioneros como hombres consigan escapar.
Primavera mortal
Makeup Artist
Adaptación de la conocida novela del escritor húngaro Lajos Zilahy
The Restless Ones
Makeup Artist
One night, after disastrous road accident, the eyewitnesses were claiming that they saw a woman behind the steering wheel. It was actually three teenagers who stole Peugeot 404 to drive around for fun, but the girl who hitch-hiked them left the car in the middle of highway. They have been chased by the police and crashed fatally. The police continues their intense search to find the fourth person.
Before the War
Makeup Artist
Engineer Maric finds out about an affair between his wife Rina and his best friend, a lawyer Novakovic. Maric leaves the house with suicidal intentions. At the big funeral, Novakovic consoles unfortunate Rina, while in the funeral procession a whole bunch of suspicious people try to claim close relations with the deceased one in order to get hold of a piece of his inheritance.
La conquista de un imperio
Makeup Artist
El joven Marco Polo inicia su viaje a la lejana China, con el objetivo de brindar ayuda a Kublai Khan y combatir a la rebelión que se oponen al gobierno de este emperador. Los rebeldes están encabezados nada menos que por su propio hijo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Los invasores
Makeup Artist
Según una antigua leyenda, no existía en el mundo objeto más valioso que la campana de oro de Saint James. De hecho, fueron muchos los hombres que dedicaron su vida a la búsqueda de tan fabuloso tesoro. Tras descubrir su escondite, el aventurero vikingo Rolfe zarpó en un gran barco robado rumbo a la fortaleza mora de Shiekn el Mansuh, quien también buscaba la campana.