Golden Delicious is a fresh and engaging coming-of-age story about an Asian-Canadian teenager who is torn between his girlfriend’s dreams of their future and his father’s ambition, all the while struggling with finding himself and following his own desires. In his first feature, director Jason Karman vividly brings to life the joys and complications of a young man who suddenly discovers feelings for the boy next door. Locally shot and set in East Vancouver, this film is a rare and important entry in a genre that has been traditionally represented by white, heterosexual, and mainstream narratives.
Los años 80s. Un mediocre crítico de cine que escribe para una revista de horror, de repente se ve envuelto y participando de un grupo de autoayuda para asesinos en serie. Ahora, nuestro protagonista debe mezclarse con ellos para que no lo descubran, o de lo contrario él se volverá en la próxima víctima.