George W. Peck


Peck's Bad Boy with the Circus
Trouble-prone Billy Peck and his gang descend on a traveling circus that has just hit town, and before long their antics are causing the circus owner all kinds of problems.
Peck's Bad Boy
Young boy Bill Peck adores his father and tries to be good, but the arrival of Bill's cousin Horace upsets Bill's plans. Horace's brattish ways result in Bill rather than Horace getting in trouble.
Peck's Bad Boy
Henry Peck es el terror del barrio. Lo mismo libera a un león del circo, que se atiborra de melaza y ciruelas secas en la tienda de la esquina y pilla una enorme indigestión. Cuando llega un joven doctor a la ciudad, Peck se hará su amigo y le salvará de un robo que se le atribuye.