Nanna Skaarup Voss


También en el cielo
Finales del siglo XIX. Un día, la vida de Lise, de 14 años, cambia para siempre. Es la mayor de sus hermanos, la primera de su familia en ir a la escuela y está llena de esperanza y confianza en la vida. Pero cuando su madre se pone de parto, rápidamente parece que algo va mal. A medida que cae la noche y avanza el parto, Lise empieza a comprender que pronto podría terminar convirtiéndose en la mujer de la casa.
El Pacto
Karen Blixen de 63 años está en la cima del éxito y parece ser la próxima en ganar el Premio Nobel de Literatura. Tras dejar atrás su renuncia a la famosa granja en África para regresar a su Dinamarca natal y habiendo perdido al amor de su vida, ahora Karen se ha reinventado a sí misma como una sensación literaria. Ella sigue siendo un genio aislado. Sin embargo, su vida se tambaleará el día que conoce a un talentoso poeta de 30 años. Karen le promete el estrellato literario si él a cambio la obedece incondicionalmente, incluso a costa de perderlo todo en su vida...
What If All Colours Were Blue?
In the grey city of Nordby, where they fear everything blue, lives the hotel receptionist Anne. She dreams of becoming one of The Grey, the city's protectors. One night Anne sees a blue cat by the hotel. She imminently calls The Grey to the scene, who unsuccessfully starts a mission to catch the cat. Meanwhile, a young and colourful couple, Al & Chris, arrive at the hotel. Their different way of looking at the world and dangers of the blue cat challenges Anne's faith in The Grey. When the cat suddenly gets caught in a trap near the hotel, Anne has to decide whether she wants to free it and leave the city, or turn it in to The Grey and keep following the city's strict code.
En kæreste
Christian and Malene are lovers. Although they are both only in their mid 20s, they have been a couple for a long time since they got together as teenagers. They have reached a point in life where a new phase has begun: adulthood. The pressure from their surroundings is starting to create doubt in both of them, and the question is whether they should be together at all.
I blodet (In the Blood)
Cuatro estudiantes compran un apartamento en Copenhague, y se mudan a vivir todos juntos. El film sigue sus vidas de veinteañeros, con sus momentos buenos y malos, y la soledad que alguno de ellos tendrá después de que se separen. (FILMAFFINITY)
Sorte måne
The men in the village are dying one by one. The disease is spreading, and so is the paranoia. It must be darker forces at play, and the villagers on the island have only one suspect - a beautiful but mysterious girl living in harmony with nature. But is the persecuted young woman also in pact with the devil, or is she innocent? She hides with her mother, Anna, who must now decide if she wants to protect her daughter, and would risk being ostracized, or believe in the accusations and sentence her own child to death.