Production Sound Mixer
Sarah parece haber encontrado su vocación trabajando en un hogar de ancianos de Liverpool, donde tiene un talento especial para conectarse con los residentes. Luego, en marzo de 2020, llega la pandemia de Coronavirus.
Sound Mixer
Zed es un joven rapero inglés de origen pakistaní a punto de dar el salto definitivo en su carrera: su estilo es audaz y sus letras punzantes, vindicando sus raíces sin renunciar a su proyección contemporánea. Cuando está a punto de iniciar su primera gira mundial, donde mostrará su dominio del escenario con tanta rabia como flow, decide visitar a su familia tras dos años sin verles. Allí, la fatiga y una extraña dolencia harán que su sueño peligre.
Production Sound Mixer
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, en Inglaterra, muchos niños son evacuados de las ciudades y exiliados a casas en la periferia para que se encarguen de ellos. Cuando uno de estos niños, Frank llega a casa de Alice, una escritora atormentada por una historia del pasado, se resiste a aceptarlo. Sin embargo, a medida que se van conociendo, Alice descubre la inocencia y la curiosidad de Frank y, poco a poco, va abriendo su corazón, desbloqueando recuerdos y sentimientos de su pasado, aprendiendo que las segundas oportunidades existen.
Sound Mixer
Young mother Claire struggles to keep her life together while attempting to present a mask of strength against the judgement of the outside world. But she hides a heartbreaking secret, and sometimes accepting the truth is not an option.
Production Sound Mixer
Mary Lennox tiene 9 años y vive con sus padres en la India donde su padre trabaja para el gobierno inglés. Cuando los padres mueren a causa del cólera, Mary es enviada a vivir a una inmensa mansión con su malhumorado y solitario tío (Colin Firth) y su estricta ama de llaves (Julie Walters). Allí la niña se encontrará sola en una mansión con más de cien puertas (la mayoría cerradas) y un jardín amurallado donde con la ayuda de la fantasía y en compañía de su enfermizo primo y un joven del pueblo, emprenderán una maravillosa aventura.
Sound Recordist
Kath, a shy young woman, befriends Bob, the reclusive gardener at a seaside hotel where she's getting married. Kath has never come to terms with her mother leaving home when she was eight and that her overbearing father, Ken, never talks about her. Now she is getting married to escape, only to discover that her fiancée, Steve, is completely dominated by Ken as well. Bob is a gentle, eccentric man with a dry sense of humour and a troubled past. He spent a long time in prison and in the years he's worked at the hotel he has never ventured beyond the gardens, which he tends with obsessive care. Kath sparks a connection to an unresolved relationship from Bob's past with a girl called Louise which resonates so strongly that he feels compelled to leave the safety of the hotel and confront his past.
Sound Recordist
In this quick British comedy short, Amina is a young Muslim guitarist who recently stopped playing due to her nerves. In her pursuit of a man, she seeks the help of Lady Parts, an all-female Muslim punk trio in need of a lead guitarist.
Sound Mixer
A British-Indian teenager struggles with his cultural heritage in modern-day London, falling for a white, 20-something actress/model during a 1970s-themed exhibition, and becoming obsessed with both her, the fashion and music of a seemingly more glamorous '70s era, all the while trying to keep his family's Indian traditionalism and the impending responsibilities of adulthood at bay.
Production Sound Mixer
A group of 1980s wrestlers are forced to don the lycra once last time when their beloved local pub is threatened with closure.
Sound Recordist
The best women of British acting go to an audition for a dream role, primed to take on the role of a lifetime: that complex woman, the strong woman, a woman for today.
Sound Mixer
When two young boys playing in the woods discover a military bunker they unintentionally release the ghost of a World War II auxiliary soldier who mistakenly believes the Nazis have landed.
Sound Mixer
Para investigar las técnicas de reclutamiento del ISIS para atraer a las mujeres a Siria, Amy Whitaker, una periodista, crea un perfil en Facebook de una musulmana conversa. Cuando un reclutador del ISIS se pone en contacto con su personaje online, ella experimenta el proceso de primera mano.
Production Sound Mixer
Un grupo de jugadores online son invitados a probar un videojuego de realidad virtual, pero las cosas toman un giro hacia lo siniestro cuando ellos descubren que, literalmente, están luchando por sus vidas.
Production Sound Mixer
Sigue a dos infames gángsters de Londres, Mickey Mannock y Ray Collishaw. Ambos lideran la cadena alimenticia cuando su mundo se vuelve del revés al perder un cargamento de cocaína de la mafia rusa.
Production Sound Mixer
Every great London crime boss has a tragic beginning. This is Marcus' story.
Supervising Sound Editor
Two powerful female warriors must journey across a post-apocalyptic land to fight a ritual duel, and fulfill an ancient prophecy.
Supervising Sound Editor
When novelist Paula Martin retreats to the seclusion of her family home Crows Hall she hopes to clear her mind and focus on her new book. The arrival of an assistant, Linda, should take the pressure off... but as the bodies pile up, Paula finds herself trapped in a terrifying nightmare of murder and madness.
Production Sound Mixer
When novelist Paula Martin retreats to the seclusion of her family home Crows Hall she hopes to clear her mind and focus on her new book. The arrival of an assistant, Linda, should take the pressure off... but as the bodies pile up, Paula finds herself trapped in a terrifying nightmare of murder and madness.
Sound Mixer
Discovery is just a game. Paula is an eleven-year-old tomboy playing out with her gang of lads in the woods in the last Summer before starting at the big school. Her loyalties are tested as her nascent interest in the much-bullied Rob is spotted by the gang leader, Phil.
Sound Mixer