Stanislav Gurin


Day of Wrath
Dr. Fiedler, in a secret underground laboratory located in the reserve, is working on experiments to create bestial creatures endowed with human intelligence. It would seem that contact with the beasts on an equal footing took place, but devoid of human morality and compassion, beast-like creatures rebelled against their creators. The journalist Battley, who learns about the monstrous rumors from the reserve, decides to conduct his own investigation and goes to the wilderness, where he encounters the products of Fiedler's terrible experiences.
Sound Director
La Lámpara Maravillosa de Aladino
Un niño encuentra una lámpara mágica que contiene un genio, y cuando lo libera el genio le concede tres deseos. Él usa los deseos para ayudar a la princesa de Bagdad y su padre a luchar contra un malvado brujo que está tratando de hacerse cargo del reino.